
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

February 25, 2012

Jacob Hill Is A True Hero & Needs Your Support!

The Resuts Are In:

An update from Jacob's Mom on his blog at:

I finally met with the doctors and got the word. Jacob's disease is still lingering in his spine. The last two cycles of chemo that he received after they discovered the cancer had become refractory did not work to reduce the tumor. My next meeting was with the doctor leading the Hu3F8 antibody clinical trial. She explained that because Jacob is not NED(no evidence of disease) that he did not qualify for the antibody treatment we were hoping to get him on. Instead, Jacob will be starting the Phase 1 study for another version of these antibodies. Actually he will be the first to receive the highest dose of this treatment that has yet to be administered. The good news is that he'll be getting the maximum dose that's been given the bad news is because this is a phase 1 study they aren't sure how well this works on humans, if at all. The hope is that the antibodies will keep the cancer stable. Not a lot to go on but there is at least still something to be hopeful about. Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers.

Jacob and his family have been through a lot with more to come and have piled up the expenses as you could imagine. If you can help his family with some of their expenses please do and it would be greatly appreciated by everyone. Your gift would help give Jacob the treatments he needs as well as the support his family needs.

Thank you so much for taking a minute to read Jacob Hill's Journey and for your thoughts and prayers!

To contribute to Jacob Hill's Journey? Just click on the "donate" button above. This will take you to Jacob's Fund where you can choose the amount you wish to contribute.
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