
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

March 26, 2012

Emma Routh Has A Wish - To Meet Justin Bieber!

Justin, Emma is fighting Fanconi Anemia. She is very sick.
Her dream is to meet you.

Little Emma was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia at the age of 3. Fanconi anemia is a rare bone marrow disease that leads to many cancers and life threatening health problems. So far Emma has stayed cancer free, but this warrior has been through so much. She has had countless rounds of chemotherapy, bone marrow aspirations, a bone marrow transplant, and very long hospital stays. Her battle is not over... please see this link to read her story:

I would personally like to ask that my readers please take a minute and look at the photo below. This is a screen shot of several HATE comments regarding Emma's wish to meet Justin Bieber. It is unbelievable that anyone would say such horrible things about a little girl who is fighting for her life and has one wish right now and that is to meet a celebrity. That is not unheard of, many children with terminal diseases have wishes to meet a celebrity and they come true every day. There is absolutely no reason why Emma will not get to meet Justin.

 I am sure that if we all stand together and make our voices heard we can get Justin's attention and once he is aware that this sweet little girl want's to meet him so bad, he will make it a priority. So please everyone take a minute and contact Justin Bieber via his website, Facebook Fan Page, even go to his recording company, anywhere you know of that will reach him and tell him about Emma. 

Also the comments below will only make Emma and her supporters work harder to get her to meet Justin. We will not allow anyone to put anything negative on this dream. If you know any of the people in this photo of comments please go to there Facebook pages and tell them how absolutely disrespectful and hateful the comments they made where and be sure to let them know it will not be tolerated or forgotten. They need to be exposed as the haters they are so they can not do this to anyone else. Thank you for your support and caring for Emma's wish and for helping to get her voice heard.

Comments like these about Emma give us all the more reason to try harder to help our girl. These people made the comments in order to put us down and tell emma she will never meet justin and she is bald and ugly. Little do they know we took the comments and all it did was make us try even harder for Emma. We will not let haters change our mission. We are a determined, strong group of people....all with a common goal. To see our (our meaning all of ours, she is your's too!) girl happy. Thank you for continuing along this journey with us, and helping us see the haters make us even stronger!

I know the photo is small, please try right clicking on it and opening it in a new tab - there you should be able to see the names clearly.

You can read more about Emma at the
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