
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

April 5, 2012

Prayers For Jasmine!

Jasmine is three years old with Cancer and needs our prayers.

A Facebook page and fund has been set up by her Grandmother, Debra Cimics David. Here are some words from Debra and the links to the pages. Please visit Jasmine at her pages and if you can please donate to her Cancer fund. Thank you.

From Debra, 

This page is dedicated to my grand-daughter Jasmine age 3, who is fighting cancer!

To let people know about Jasmine and her battle with cancer!

Jasmine has recently been diagnosed with Cancer. This page will allow people to follow the progress of her treatment and how she is doing in general. Jasmine had kidney cancer that has spread, a 4lb Wilms Tumor had a crack in it that spread the Cancer to both of her lungs and small tumors have formed. Cancer cells have been spotted on the one kidney she has left. We have come close to losing her a few times. She has stage 4 cancer. She is fighting, and so are we!

Jasmine's Cancer Fund: 
This fundRazr is for my 3 year old grand-daughter Jasmine who is fighting cancer. My daughter Ann, Jasmines mother, is a single mom who is struggling emotionally and financially. This has been alot for my daughter Ann to bear. Jasmine's dad is not in the picture so my daughter has had to do it all. With Jasmine fighting cancer and her mom Ann, my daughter, having had a heart attack and stroke not long ago, it has been a lot for both of them. 

I am doing this for Jasmine to help bring donations to her cause. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. I hope that you can help a very worthwhile cause. All donations will go to my daughter for Jasmine. Please, if you are able to donate and find it in your heart, Jasmine and Ann would be very greatful. When cancer strikes it affects the whole family. Jasmine is currently under going radiation treatments which make her very ill and has months of chemo to go through. Thank you and God Bless everyone for any donations you can make!

Please see the link below to make a donation:
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