
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

October 31, 2012

Six Ways Crystal can Change your Life!

Crystals can impact your life in many ways.

We use crystals in computers and clocks but they can be very helpful in our personal lives. There are six main areas in which crystals can change your life for the better. Crystals are healing and can work to restore our cells and organs to their optimum functioning levels. Red stones such as Jasper and Bloodstone can help with blood disorders. Orange and yellow stones such as Citrine, Amber and Carnelian can help with stomach issues.

Green crystals such as Green Aventurine and Peridot are always healing and will work to help your cells grow in health.

Light Blue stones like Blue Lace Agate and Blue Chalcedony heal throat issues. Headaches are helped by Amethyst. Unikite helps woman trying to get pregnant. Blue Chalcedony helps new moms. All of these stones will link in and align with your energy especially when worn continually.

Crystals can help increase your abundance. If you need to attract money to you, carry Green Aventurine and Citrine with you. Placing a Pyrite in your wallet assures it has money in it. If you have a hard time holding on to money, wearing Citrine will help you be more frugal. If you own your own business, you should keep a Citrine in your cash register because it assures more money coming in than leaving. Green Aventurine should be worn or carried for good luck. A gem tree helps remind you that good luck and fortune are within your reach.

There are many crystals that can increase your romantic life. In general, any pink stone will enhance your romantic energy. If you’re single, place two Rose quartz crystals by your bedside to assure that love will find you. If you’re in a relationship, place an Amethyst cluster next to a Citrine cluster. Cluster shaped crystals assure that we all get along. The Citrine increases our confidence in the relationship, and the Amethyst makes us feel more agreeable and loving toward each other. Wearing Watermelon Tourmaline helps you feel worthy of a great relationship. Pink Calcite calms emotions in a heated relationship. Rose Quartz or Garnet placed under the bed can help increase the romance and passion.

If you’re feeling stuck in your career, place a large piece of Garnet on your desk to reignite your passion for your work. Cluster crystals help groups to get along. Clear Quartz crystal clusters help to energize a team. If you’re working toward a project and getting blocked at each turn, buy a Bloodstone paperweight for your desk. Bloodstone is known to remove obstacles that stand in the way of our success. Serpentine can help you deal with changes such as a layoff, new job or promotion. A Jade plant covered with green stones (for money) and red stones (for hard work and passion) will help draw more money, clients and positive work to you and your company.

Many times an inability to forgive ourselves or others can impede our process in life. Crystals can help to break down barriers to forgiveness such as anger, resentment and sadness. Rhodonite with its lovely pink and black marbling helps us to embrace the sad or angry situation and release it with love. Rhodocrosite with its bands of pink and white ribbons helps awaken our heart to surrender and letting go. Smithsonite helps to heal a painful childhood. Malachite helps us release trauma. Try working with these crystals by holding them inmeditation. Imagine the person you’re trying to forgive. Picture handing them the crystal as a symbol of forgiveness and see it turning into a bird and flying away.

Crystals work tirelessly to remove blockages of self-doubt and fear so we can embrace our intuitive self. The best crystals to wear or carry to increase your intuition include Labradorite, Moonstone, Apopyhyllite. Moonstone helps you to accept your psychic abilities. Apatite, Azzurite, and Shattuckite help you develop your intuition. Unikite will help keep you grounded while you’re opening to your intuition. We are all intuitive.

Each of us possesses a still, small voice that acts as our internal compass. Wearing, meditating with or carrying crystals helps us get in touch with this essential part of who we are.

For more information, visit .

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October 26, 2012

Famous Lucille Ball Quotes

Do you love Lucy? Below are some famous quotes by Lucy, enjoy!

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” –Lucille Ball Quotes
“It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.” –Lucille Ball Quotes
“I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that’s good taste.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“I would rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“A man who correctly guesses a woman’s age may be smart, but he’s not very bright.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“Use a make-up table with everything close at hand and don’t rush; otherwise you’ll look like a patchwork quilt.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do.” – Lucille Ball Quotes
“In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by.” – Lucille Ball Quotes

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October 24, 2012

October 24th is National Food Day!

Today marks the second national Food Day!

A celebration of healthy eating created by Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and powered by a diverse coalition of food movement leaders, organizations, and you.
There is no life without food. Food is health, family, connectedness, and pleasure. It is joy. Yet our American diet is contributing to health problems at a severity never seen before, for children and grownups alike. Our food isn’t just making us sick, the way it’s produced is also harming farmers, the environment, and the animals we rely on to keep us well fed. We’ve made cooking a chore and replaced the pleasure of simple home cooked foods with the cheap high that comes from the extreme sweet and salt of processed foods.
The food issues that we face as a nation of parents caring for the first generation of children with a life expectancy shorter than our own—along with financial pressures, limited family time, and sheer exhaustion—have stolen our joy for food. Today I ask you to stand with me and take one step towards reclaiming it.
The Food Day site will tell you that today is about sustainable food options, eradicating hunger, farm worker justice, access to and knowledge about healthier choices. To me, though, Food Day is about bringing joy back to the family table. The joy of feeling good about what you put in your body. The joy of knowing that you’re doing right by your family. The joy of knowing that your choices support your local and global community. The joy of taking pleasure in small actions.
Food Day isn’t about making a fancy farm-to-table meal (unless you want it to be!). For us busy parents, today is about moving the needle towards joy, even if just by a hair. We can transform our diet and we can even work together to transform the American diet, but even revolutions start with small actions. And small actions earn dedication when they bring joy.
So, today, to celebrate Food Day, do just one thing around just one family mealtime that celebrates the joy of healthy eating. Whatever it is—whether scrambling eggs from a local farm for a simple dinner or asking a farmer at the market to tell you about a vegetable you’ve never eaten before—seek out the same easy joy you feel when biting into a perfectly ripe peach or sitting down to a holiday meal with people you love. 

Those moments crystallize the joy of food and we can choose to feel them everyday. Starting today.
“Food should be healthy, affordable, and produced with care for the environment, animals, and the women and men who grow, harvest, and serve it. But too often, our policies fall short of that ideal. Food Day aspires to celebrate our food system when it works, and fix it when it’s broken.” —Food Day founder and CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson
If you’d like to do more, check out the Food Day 2012 site for info on how to get involved.

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October 7, 2012

Downtown Placerville, California Halloween Spooktacular

Downtown Placerville Spooktacular – happens every year on October 31.

Whether it’s a goat in a hometown Fourth of July parade or a horse being led along a crosswalk on Main Street, “Only in Placerville…” is a common sentiment among people of the community.

Amanda Anderson, Style Magazine, Oct 6 2012

The Downtown Placerville Spooktacular – happens every year on October 31 and transforms Main Street into a magical place of costumes and candy.

The Placerville Downtown Association, City of Placerville, Placerville Active 20/30 Club and Placerville Lion’s Club will come together to create a safe environment of fun and frivolity. More than 500 people will start the evening on Placerville’s historic Main Street with trick-or-treating from 4-6 p.m. (many stores will stay open late). Families with children ages 10 and under are invited to the children’s carnival at Town Hall from 4-6 p.m.; free games, prizes and treats will all be provided by the Placerville Lion’s Club.

Attendees will also enjoy family-friendly beats, as a DJ broadcasts live from the Bell Tower until 7 p.m. At 6:10 p.m., the costume contest begins around the Bell Tower. Remember, creativity counts! Placerville’s Active 20/30 Club will award prizes for the best costumes in all age groups: 3 and under, 4-6, 7-9, 10-13, 14-17 and adults. Grand prizes will be awarded for best overall costumes.

“Only in Placerville” will you have such a fab-boo-lous time at the Downtown Placerville Spooktacular!

Portions of Main Street will be closed from 3-8 p.m.; parking will be available at the downtown parking garage and various City lots. For more information, please call the City of Placerville Recreation & Parks Department at 530-642-5232 or visit

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