
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

May 2, 2021

May is National Photography Month

May is “National Photo Month.”

OK, so what the heck does THAT mean???

Well, National Photo Month was created to…


“…help people get even more joy out of photography and their pictures.”


Yet there is a cautionary tale in all this. It is estimated that 657 BILLION (yeah, billion with a “B”) will be uploaded to social media this year alone – and that’s just what will be SHARED, not the total TAKEN.

The problem is that LESS THAN 1% of all these photographs and irreplaceable(!!!) memories will ever be printed, and within only a few years the rest will be LOST FOREVER (see below)!

Add to this the staggering number of old family snapshots currently moldering in attics and basements – even as you’re reading this – and the photographic loss becomes a TRAGEDY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS!

“Print & preserve your important photographs & snapshots – WHILE YOU STILL CAN!”

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