
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

February 4, 2011

My Favs from Picasa Albums...

My first album on Picasa Web Albums and it's full of great pictures of my favorite people and all their smiles. Just take a look and you will see what I mean. Great pics guys, love ya all lots!

You are my sunshine!

Ashley, Alan, AJ & Abby, I love you so much and look forward to seeing you every day! You are my sunshine and you brighten my days. Love you all lots always!!!!

February 3, 2011

Aromatherapy History

Little is known about the history of aromatherapy, or where it originated specifically, but the Egyptians are credited with developing one of the first distillation machines to extract oils from certain plants -- cedarwood, clove, cinnamon, to name a few -- which were used to embalm the dead. The practice of using infused aromatic oils as a mood enhancer, however, is thought to have roots in China.

The Greeks also played a role in the history of aromatherapy. Megallus, a Greek perfumer, developed a fragrance he called megaleion, which consisted of myrrh. The "father of medicine" Hippocrates is said to have practiced aromatherapy (before it was dubbed so) for healing purposes. Greek mythology claims the gods were gifted with the knowledge of perfume and fragrance.

 The actual term "aromatherapy" first originated in 1937 when French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse invented the word after a burn incident spurred his curiosity about the healing power of essential oils. On the heels of Gattefosse's "discovery" that lavender oil helped to cure his burn, French surgeon Jean Valnet used essential oils to help heal soldiers' wounds in World War II, proving the medical benefits of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy During Labor...

The use of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils during Labor:
The benefits of aromatherapy during labor are immense. Essential oils can make the experience as pleasant and easy as possible for both the mother and the baby by creating a relaxing, comfortable and stress-free environment for labor. Essential oils diffused in the delivery room will help cleanse the air and provide a familiar and welcoming scent for the baby.

Recommended Oils to be used during childbirth are:
Lavender and Clary Sage are essential oils that promote peace and relaxation. Inhale this oil between contractions for enhanced strength, stamina and endurance levels during delivery.

Labor Massage: This is a good therapy for the new mother to help bring a sence of calmness, peacefullness and confidence. As soon as the contractions begin, ask your partner or friend to help you with a firm massage on and around your lower back, hips and along the sides of your waist rubbing from the mid-back forward as the contraction progresses. The combination of aromatherapy and massage will help ease muscular pain.

4 oz of carrier oil
8 drops lavender
8 drops clary sage
8 drops geranium
5 drops fennel
5 drops grapefruit

Pour ½ teaspoon of your LABOR BLEND on the palm of the hand and massage the lower back as often as needed. I first discovered the therapeutic benefits of this aromatherapy blend when I gave birth to my son. Ever since, I have been able to help many women cope with pregnancy and delivery.  The results have always been consistent – women have reported a general feeling of well-being and confidence.  The aromatic oils infuse a sense of self-assurance and minimize the pain.  The essential oils in this aromatherapy blend  are helpful because they:
  • Relieve anxiety and fear
  • Improve  circulation and breathing
  • Infuse a feeling of “I can do it!”
  • Provide pain relief   in a natural and safe way
  • Help induce contractions
It is recommended that you have this blend of oils ready at least one week before your due date just incase you have to rush off to the hospital

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