
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

May 22, 2011

VA Links Parkinson’s to Agent Orange

Veterans Affairs officials added three new illnesses Tuesday to the list of diagnoses connected to Agent Orange, allowing quicker health care claims for Vietnam veterans suffering from Parkinson's disease, hairy cell leukemia, and ischemic heart disease.
It follows a study by the nongovernmental Institute of Medicine. The group has been studying the effects of Agent Orange since the early 1990s and this summer suggested a link between those diseases and the toxic Agent Orange chemicals.
In a statement, VA secretary Eric Shinseki said the additions bring to 12 the number of "presumed" sicknesses linked to Agent Orange. Others include prostate cancer and Hodgkin's.
Veterans with those conditions will not have to prove any connection between their sickness and their military service when filing a health benefits claim.
"We must do better reviews of illnesses that may be connected to service, and we will," Shinseki said. "Veterans who endure health problems deserve timely decisions based on solid evidence."
At the height of the Vietnam War, U.S. military commanders used Agent Orange -- a nickname for a host of herbicides -- to destroy the thick jungle canopy concealing guerilla fighters.
The chemicals were later linked to serious health problems in both civilians and troops, and later in their children, as well. Military records estimate that more than 2.6 million U.S. servicemembers may have been exposed to Agent Orange between 1965 and 1970.
VA officials said that up to 250,000 veterans may benefit from the latest change. In a statement, Veterans of Foreign Wars national commander Thomas Tradewell Sr., a Vietnam veteran, called the additions a significant change and praised Shinseki for the move.
"The VA is saying ‘we believe you,' which will enable more veterans to receive the healthcare and benefits they earned and deserve," he said.

May 21, 2011


Whatever relationships You have attracted in Your life at this moment, are precisely the ones You need in Your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving Your own evolution.

Agent Orange Legacy - Children of Vietnam Veterans

Mobilizing to fight for the services, support & rights of the Children of American Vietnam Veterans exposed to agent orange & their families. It's time now for you to join this struggle and get answers to the questions that have haunted you all of your lives.  We understand just how difficult it has been for the children of Vietnam veterans to thrive in this world.  We know because we are just like you.

Reported Illnesses
We Must Organize to be heard. We need to work together and inform the public about the plight of the children of Vietnam veterans and their Agent Orange Legacy.
This is the list of birth defects, illnesses, diseases, mental health issues etc. reported by our members as of June 2010. This list also includes symptoms reported which remain undiagnosed (many of the children suffer from symptoms which are unexplained or remain untreated.) We are still working on the list. More information will be added as it becomes available.

Please click on the link below for a full list of the reported illnesses as of now, more are being reported all the time and will be listed as they become available. 

Thank you for reading and for your support.

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May 20, 2011

New Facebook Layouts From!

I recently started creating Facebook layouts at No real reason except I was looking at the site and wanted to add a layout to my Facebook profile and couldn't decide on one so I just created my own. Here is the first one I made and maybe the beginning of a few more to come. I already make Myspace layouts at and so it's time to move on up into the Facebook layouts. Wish me luck, thanks.
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