
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

May 3, 2012

Meteorites In My Backyard, El Dorado County, California!

Meteorites are said to be worth 3 times more than gold!

I live in El Dorado County California just a few miles from Sutter's Mill where gold was first discovered in California in 1848. Now in 2012 meteorites are being discovered by some and sparking a "meteorite rush" in many. My own daughter and her husband went meteorite hunting this last weekend and I am hearing about more people who are planning on trips to the area in the next few days. So I felt like I should post this story in honor of El Dorado County's latest discovery and help spread the word in the hopes that more families will take an afternoon and head for the NEW gold in our own backyards.

There’s been lots of excitement about the meteorites that fell from the California fireball. Hunters have converged around the town of Coloma, home of the famed Sutter’s Mill where the California gold rush started. Is there a more fitting place for the start of a “meteorite gold rush”?

According to meteorite hunter Mike Farmer of Arizona, as of Thursday morning only about 15 grams or about half an ounce of material has been found. Rattlesnakes and tough terrain have made looking for space rocks no easy task.

Sunday’s fall is only the 3rd witnessed fall of a meteorite in California. The other two were Red Canyon Lake on August 11, 2007 and San Juan Capistrano on March 15, 1973. The first was a single stone weighing picked up by a hiker that weighed just 18.4 grams; the second fall dropped two small stones. One of them penetrated the roof of a carport in a mobile-home park and was picked up on the floor several hours later. Both falls were much more common stony meteorites compared to the rare carbonaceous or carbon-rich variety from the current fall.
A slice of the carbonaceous chondrite NWA 3118 from the Sahara Desert. The round dots are chondrules (KON-drools). They were formed from the original dust of the solar nebula that evolved into the planets. Early on, the dust was flash-heated and congealed into tiny spheres. The white mineral, called a calcium-aluminum-inclusion, is slightly older than the chondrules. Photo: Bob King

You may have heard the new meteorites called by several names: Sutter’s Mill, Lotus, Coloma. While one of these may ultimately be chosen by the Meteoritical Society as the formal name, for now they’re best guesses and convenient handles.

In 2009, a widely witnessed meteorite fall happened near West, Texas. For a long time it was referred to as the West meteorite until receiving its official name Ash Creek. I hunted the April 2010 fall in southern Wisconsin near the town of Livingston. Many of us referred to the fragments by that name until the Society designated it as Mifflin after another nearby town where specimens were found.

Here are the Society’s basic guidelines for naming a new meteorite whether from a fresh fall or one that’s been there a long time and just recently discovered. Most are named after the nearest town or feature of the landscape:

* A new meteorite shall be named after a nearby geographical locality. Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary duplication or ambiguity, and to select a permanent feature such as a town, village, river, bay, cape, mountain or island which appears on widely used maps and is sufficiently close to the recovery site to convey meaningful locality information. In sparsely populated areas with few place names, less permanent features such as ranches or stations or, in extreme cases, local unofficial names of distinctive quality may be used, provided the latitude and longitude of the recovery site are well determined.

The rules go into much more depth to cover other circumstances like the glut of meteorites from the Sahara Desert that appear in marketplaces in Morocco and other North African countries or were sold to dealers in Europe and the U.S.

Specific locations for these orphan meteorites were often not recorded, so they’re all classed as NWA (Northwest Africa) followed by a number. One of the best known Saharan meteorites is NWA 869, classified as an L4-6 chondrite. There’s been a tremendous number of meteorites coming out of the Sahara since around the year 2000. Numbered NWAs are currently approaching 8000!

Often when there’s high interest in a particular meteorite fall like the one in California, the space rock gets named and classified more quickly. As you might guess, I’m rooting for Sutter’s Mill.

It was there that carpenter James W. Marshall, while working on the construction of the mill, found several gold nuggets in January 1848 that would lead to the gold rush so many of us remember from our grade school history books.

One last point. I’m often asked where a person can send a suspected meteorite to have it tested. You’ll find a list of testing services at Found A Meteorite? The site reminds readers that real meteorites are found in less than 1% of submitted samples.

Source: Bob King, Duluth News Tribune in Duluth, Minn.:

May 1, 2012

The Month Of May Is Full Of Awareness!

May has many causes to be made aware of...


  • Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month, Natl
  • Arthritis Month, Natl
  • Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
  • Awareness of Medical Orphans Month
  • Barbecue Month, Natl
  • Better Hearing and Speech Month
  • Bike Month, Natl
  • Business Image Improvement Month, Intl
  • Civility Month, Intl
  • Creative Beginnings Month
  • Ecodriving Month
  • Egg Month, Natl
  • Family Wellness Month
  • Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
  • Freedom Shrine Month
  • Get Caught Reading Month
  • Gifts From the Garden Month
  • Good Car-Keeping Month, Natl
  • Haitian Heritage Month
  • Hamburger Month, Natl
  • Heal the Children Month
  • Healthy Vision Month
  • Hepatitis Awareness Month, Natl
  • Huntington's Disease Awareness Month
  • Internal Audit Awareness Month, Intl
  • Jewish American Heritage Month
  • Latino Books Month
  • Meditation Month, Natl
  • Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month   
  • Mental Health Month, Natl
  • Military Appreciation Month, Natl
  • Motorcycle Safety Month
  • Moving Month, Natl
  • Older Americans Month
  • Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, Natl
  • Personal History Month
  • Photo Month, Natl
  • Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Natl  
  • Preservation Month, Natl
  • REACT Month
  • Revise Your Work Schedule Month
  • Salad Month, Natl
  • Salsa Month, Natl
  • Smile Month, Natl
  • Strike Out Strokes Month
  • Stroke Awareness Month, Natl
  • Sweet Vidalia Onion Month, Natl
  • Teen CEO Month
  • Teen Self-Esteem Month
  • Tennis Month
  • Ultraviolet Awareness Month
  • Victorious Woman Month, Intl
  • Vinegar Month, Natl
  • Women's Health Care Month

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month!

Every year in May motorcycle season begins. 

Bikers who have had to put their babies away for the winter have them out now and it's time to ride.

Meanwhile, motorists may well have put motorcycles out of their minds as they drive, so it's time to alert them once again to look out as they make lane changes and such: Motorcycles are out there. Watch for them and save lives.

In keeping with this annual push, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) today launched its promotional effort to get the word out.

"Motorcyclists take to the highways in large numbers every spring, and it's the responsibility of all road users to acknowledge us safely and attentively," said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. "This is why many states and local governments officially promote motorcycle awareness during the month of May. Unfortunately, many road users are not always mindful of those with whom they share the road, and an annual reminder is helpful for them to recognize the flow of motorcycles in traffic, and make an extra efforts to watch for motorcycles."

"One of the leading causes of motorcycle crashes is the fact that drivers don't see motorcycles," he said. "Simply put, drivers tell themselves to watch for cars, trucks, buses and pedestrians, but they don't tell always themselves to watch for motorcycles. We want to change that. If all drivers would make a conscious effort to look twice before turning left across the oncoming lane of traffic at an intersection, crashes could be prevented and lives would be saved."

In states across the nation, governors and transportation departments are issuing proclamations and press releases urging drivers to be aware. Drivers are advised to hang up their cell phones when driving, and turn their heads to look--don't just use your mirrors--before changing lanes. That one quick glance could save someone's life.

April 30, 2012

MGA's True Hope dolls ~ Available at Toy's R Us in June!

True Hope line of Bratz and Moxie dolls.

Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Let's see if we can get it made, the Facebook Community announced today: Jane, co-founder, has two sets of the True Hope dolls available for the media to spread the word and bring awareness to these wonderful dolls. Jane is available for questions and information regarding the production of the True Hope line of Brantz and Moxie dolls by MGA. Jane's email address is

Posted today on Facebook by Jane:
Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Let's see if we can get it made

MGA gave me 2 sets of True Hope dolls. One in package and one out. If the media would like to see these dolls before they come out on shelves in June I would be happy to show them to you so you can spread the word about them. We want everyone to know they will be on shelves in June at ToysRUs! ~ Jane, Contact 

AVAILABLE starting in JUNE at ToysRUs in US and Cananda. We are hoping to get them to other countries in the future as well.

Please visit their Facebook page: 

Help bring awareness to the True Hope Dolls by MGA and tell your friends and family they will be available for purchase at Toy's R Us in the US and Canada beginning this June with $1.00 from each sale going to fund research for finding a cure of Children's Cancer at City of Hope.

The photo on the right is of the True Hope Doll "Cameron" the boy doll of the line. He is very handsome and an inspiration to all the children who suffer from hair loss for many reasons.

Below is a photo of "Sophia" she is a beautiful inspiration as well.

All of the True Hope Dolls by MGA are wonderful and will be a great comfort and esteem builder for so many children who are affected by hair loss due to several medical conditions including Cancer and Alopecia. Beautiful and Bald Barbie of Facebook and MGA hope these dolls to exactly that, help the self esteem of children while raising awareness to the need of research so that a cure can be found immediately. 

Anyone will be able to purchase these dolls beginning June 2012 at Toy's R Us in the US and Canada, $1.00 of each sale will go to funding research to find a cure at City of Hope.

To read the press release from MGA Entertainment see the link below:

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