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March 8, 2011

Your 2-year-old now

Rain or shine, hectic day or slow one, your busy tot wakes up with boundless energy to work off. Playtime should include physical games that help him burn off energy and practice his skills such as balancing, catching a ball, and controlling his speed. Some fun physical games:
  • Follow the leader. Have your child follow you, and also imitate the kinds of steps you take. Go fast, then slow. Take big giant steps, then bitty steps. Hop like a kangaroo, leap like a dolphin, and slither like a snake.
  • Catch. It's a classic that you can adjust to your child's proficiency level. Start by rolling a big ball back and forth on the floor between your open legs. Switch to a smaller ball. Gradually increase the distance between you. Then see if your child is ready to catch a big ball thrown underhand; start by standing just a few inches apart.
  • Danceteria. Play different genres of music and encourage your preschooler to make up a dance that matches it. (All her dances might look the same, but that's irrelevant.)

Your life now

It's easy for a bedtime routine to spiral out of control with an adorable, ritual-loving preschooler. Rule of thumb: If the routine is so complicated you have to write it down for a babysitter, it's probably a little overboard. Stick to the basics — a bath, pajamas, a book — and finish off with some special touch your child loves, such as saying goodnight to some of the things in the room (like in Goodnight Moon), singing a favorite lullaby, or reviewing what happened that day. The whole event (after the bath) should take 15 to 20 minutes.

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