In March we will do something called The Great Endo Balloon Race, Where I thought we could all buy a Helium balloon of some kind and attach a label to it saying; Hi my name is... I suffer with a medical condition called Endometriosis I have had symptoms since... but was diagnosed in... I have had... Ops. March is Endo awareness month and by finding this balloon I have made someone else aware of this horrible disease. You could also write a little bit about what Endo actually is.
Please take pictures of your balloons and add them to the group.
You can release the Balloons on your own or get together in groups and you can also release on whatever day and time is best for you in March
You can release the Balloons on your own or get together in groups and you can also release on whatever day and time is best for you in March.
Endometriosis is a painful and chronic condition that affects approximately 176 million women and girls worldwide. It affects around 2 million women in the UK alone. Most of them are diagnosed between the ages of 23 and 40. The Disease causes internal bleeding which leads to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, adhesions, inflammation and disruption of the digestive and urinary systems, amongst others. Currently there is no cure for Endometriosis and the only truly effective treatment is surgery, which unfortunately only causes temporary relief.
Emma Elise Shead, Hailey Rebecca Hook, Charlotte Marie Biswell and Sue Milligan
Important Information:

• Use balloons made of natural rubber latex rather than mylar balloons.
• Always hand tie balloons rather than using plastic valves.
• Use string and labels which degrade at least as fast as the balloons.
• Clear balloons degrade fastest (Burchette 1989) and are less tempting to animals.
• Only release individual balloons rather than clusters.
Everything you need to know is probably in this leaflet
• Always hand tie balloons rather than using plastic valves.
• Use string and labels which degrade at least as fast as the balloons.
• Clear balloons degrade fastest (Burchette 1989) and are less tempting to animals.
• Only release individual balloons rather than clusters.
Everything you need to know is probably in this leaflet