
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

January 19, 2011

AJ is going to be a big brother...

My little AJ is going to be a big brother to Abbygail who will be joining us in March. AJ will be almost 3 years old when Abby gets here so he going to be the best big brother in the world.

My daughter is having a daughter...

My daughter Ashley,

You are having a daughter of your own. I can't wait to see her, it will be like going back nearly 20 years to when I first saw you, a perfect little angel in pink. You are so smart and beautiful, she is going to be exactly like you, a perfect angel. I am so proud of you and love you more than anything.

Love, Mom...

January 18, 2011

The Power of Attitude

The Power of Attitude

CONGRATULATIONS TO MY DAUGHTER & SON-N-LAW...they are having a baby girl

I would like to share a very special surprise with all of my family & friends... My daughter & son-in-law, Ashley & Alan are expecting a baby girl on March 23, 2011. Their son AJ will be a great big brother to Abbygail Lyla and together they will bring a life time of pure joy and happiness full of love for all of us, especially me their Grandma! Congratulations Ashley, Alan & AJ, your lives are blessed and will always be full of happiness. I love you all so much and I can not wait until our little girl joins us. Love from your Mom always and forever!

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