
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

January 24, 2011

Honor Vietnam Veterans...

More than 58,000 men and women never came home from the Vietnam War and those that did were met with ridicule and contempt. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is a reminder of veterans' sacrifice, service and uncommon courage, as well as a place where the injustice that returning veterans faced could at long last be rectified.

But The Wall can't uphold the memory of Vietnam veterans without your support.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund works to preserve the legacy of the brave Americans who served in Vietnam as well as promote healing and educate people about the impact of the war, so that we can explore and reflect on this critical time in history with a wiser eye toward the future.

More than 80,000 items have been left at The Wall to honor Vietnam veterans, but we know not everyone can make it to Washington D.C. Write a message or simply sign your name in honor of these brave men and women, and we'll keep you updated on how you can protect the legacy of Vietnam veterans.


A situation has occurred at Granite Falls Middle School that has caused concern for the community. A young man who was being bullied by a classmate for a long period of time was given no protection even after his mother brought the issue to the attention of his teacher and the principal of the school. The principal allegedly told the boys mother that "Boys will be boys" and never took any real steps in resolving the issue. The boy who had been harassed by the other child had eventually taken all he could and hit the boy in his classroom after he had been taunted all day. According to the boys mother, the teacher stated that the bully had been at the other child all day. The boy who threw the punches was given three days of out of school suspension and forced to write a letter of apology to the boy who has abused him for far too long. The bully was only given one day of in school suspension, which tells him and everyone else that bullying someone is okay as long as you don't put your hands on someone. We disagree! Name calling and taunting is abuse and can lead to violence and suicide. The boy who was bullied was given the proper punishment according to the guidelines for his actions but the boy who was the root cause gets a slap on the wrist. According to other parents who have come forth to take a stand against this behavior have alleged that they had similar experiences with the same principle. It is time something is done to protect our children and we have to hold the people who are responsible for our kids when they are at school accountable for their lack of action to end this cycle of abuse. Words truly CAN hurt! It hurts the entire community! The mother of this child has recently been diagnosed with cancer and she is not in the physical condition to fight this injustice on her own,so we have to stand in for her and take the proper action to protect all children! Please sign the petition which will be included in a formal complaint against the staff at Granite Falls Middle School that will be filed with the school board for investigation.Thank You for standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves!


Happy Birthday to my Son-n-Law Alan, I hope you have a great day and get everything you want. Your a really good guy and I love you for taking such good care of my daughter Ashley and my grandson AJ and my soon to be granddaughter Abbygail! I couldn't have asked for a better son-n-law than I found in you. So have a great 21st birthday and know that I love you lots and wish everyday to be as great as today is for you and your growing family!!!

The Storke is in route...

To drop a little pink surprise for Ashley, Alan, AJ & Grandma!!!

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