
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

February 15, 2011

Urgent Compassionate Release for Patricia Wright

Patricia Wright,  #W79941, is a 59 year old grandmother currently housed at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, CA. She is currently suffering from Stage 4 terminal breast cancer. Doctors do not know how much time she has left, be it several months or several weeks.

In 1998 Patricia was convicted of murdering her ex-husband Jerome. She was arrested 17 years after the travesty, based on fictive testimony from her estranged brother who was facing child molestation charges in a separate case. The child molestation charges later disappeared. Other evidence against her included a detective's testimony about a confession on a  "lost audio tape" by a suspect who admitted being hired by Patricia to carry out the murder.

The details of her story can are at:

Patricia's four children and grandchild have only one wish: to care for their mother at home during the next few painful months. We strongly urge you to grant Patricia a compassionate release.


Your 2-year-old now...

Of all the words your child is picking up this year, it may seem like he has one grand favorite: "NO." What's the attraction? Preschoolers say "no" a lot because they're discovering their own free will. "No" is a handy way to voice their opinion. (Sometimes they even say "no" when they really mean "yes.") Sometimes a not-very-verbal child will resort to "no" just because he's mad or flustered and struggling to get his point across. Your preschooler may also learn that if he says it loudly and forcefully enough, Mom and Dad will really pay attention ... they might even go along with it!

Giving your child choices is one way to reduce the number of no's you hear from him. Also, encourage him to answer in a quiet voice, and coach him in some alternatives: "What's the opposite of 'no'? 'Yes!'" "You can say 'no,' or you can say 'yes,' or guess what's in the middle? You can say 'maybe!'"

Your life now:

The switch from crib to bed often ushers in an era of middle-of-the-night visits to your bed. If you're not up for sharing your covers, lead or carry your preschooler back to his bed and bid him a kind but firm goodnight. Don't turn on the lights, don't talk much, don't get emotional or otherwise make it a fun, daytime-like experience. You might have to repeat this routine multiple times before the nightwalker learns to stay in his own bed at night. The key is to be persistent and consistent.

February 14, 2011

Twilight Potporri - The Sleeping Cupid

Coriander has a warm stimulating effect on various functions within our body. While you are resting or in a deep sleep your hormones and enzymes are stimulating your brain and nerve functions, by fighting depression and boosting your spirit. Coriander can stimulate positive energy while secreting aphrodisiacs. It arouses and increases libido as well as cures temporary impotency, frigidity of both male and female, erectile dysfunctions and loss of interest in sex.

February 12, 2011

Significant Events on Feb. 12, 1992

For Ashley,
Some interesting things that happened on your birthday, Feb. 12, 1992!

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