Patricia Wright, #W79941, is a 59 year old grandmother currently housed at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, CA. She is currently suffering from Stage 4 terminal breast cancer. Doctors do not know how much time she has left, be it several months or several weeks.
In 1998 Patricia was convicted of murdering her ex-husband Jerome. She was arrested 17 years after the travesty, based on fictive testimony from her estranged brother who was facing child molestation charges in a separate case. The child molestation charges later disappeared. Other evidence against her included a detective's testimony about a confession on a "lost audio tape" by a suspect who admitted being hired by Patricia to carry out the murder.
In 1998 Patricia was convicted of murdering her ex-husband Jerome. She was arrested 17 years after the travesty, based on fictive testimony from her estranged brother who was facing child molestation charges in a separate case. The child molestation charges later disappeared. Other evidence against her included a detective's testimony about a confession on a "lost audio tape" by a suspect who admitted being hired by Patricia to carry out the murder.
The details of her story can are at:
Patricia's four children and grandchild have only one wish: to care for their mother at home during the next few painful months. We strongly urge you to grant Patricia a compassionate release.