
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

May 1, 2011


Jimmy Hedges' Headstone Battle

Target: Help stop the church from taken our Son/Brother's headstone down
Sponsored by: Tina Hedges

The parents of Jimmy have been told that their sons headstone has to be taken off in six weeks time or the church will remove it, also if the parents do not remove the headstone then the Oxford Diocese will with draw their right to be buried with there son. Jimmy died at the age of 7 years from terminal Cancer.

This is a petition to stop the Diocese of Oxford from doing so.

For more information on this please click on petition below

For updates please follow Jimmy's Facebook Page the link below

Also I would like to point out this is not the first petition it is a follow on from the first that made over a thousand.

 Me, my Husband and my Daughter were taking to court in November 2009 because our son/brothers headstone didn't comply with the Diocese of Oxford's regulations. We were not told of the rules before our son/brother was buried in St. Michaels Church yard, Sandhurst in 2004. A Church yard can not have a heart, an angel, a cross or polished granite nor can it have a picture of the person who is buried the list goes on. There was a headstone erected in the same Church yard as Jimmy it is a gates of haven and polished granite it is about 4ft in hight the same a Jimmy's this was also out of the Church yards regulations the priest of St. Michaels said his self they applied for a completely different headstone that was with-in the rules but they erected a gates of haven also adding it is up there now it can stay there yet when young our son/brothers was erected on his grave it was not allowed. One mother has her Husband and Son buried here her son was 4 years old when he died of leukemia, Jimmy went to school with his older sister, her Husband and Son are buried together her sons headstone is a book at the foot of the grave it was pointed out to her that you are not allowed more than one headstone, she has two vase's in the middle which they asked her to remove one, she also has a porcelain picture of her son on his headstone which the Church asked her to chip off. There where letters put on all headstone telling relavties that they had to remove garden plants from graves, toys that had been there a year after the burial and wind charms and other decoration's.

April 29, 2011


Valve: Condemn the Glorification of School Shootings
Target: Valve Software
Sponsored by:

It seems like video games are everywhere these days; even people who don't play themselves almost certainly know someone who does. But as video games' popularity grows, so does their effect on our society and culture. And now a few people have used the medium to create a disturbing and dangerous game that allows the player to play a digital version of a school shooting.

The game in question is an unofficial modification of the game Half Life 2, originally created by the game company Valve. That means people unconnected to the original game have made their own version to play and distribute online which glorifies violence and school shootings.

In the wake of tragedies like the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings, this modification, complete with disturbingly realistic details and the ability to kill yourself at the end of a level, is incredibly insensitive and potentially dangerous.

Valve Software and its games are incredibly popular. But with that popularity comes the responsibility to stand up against people using these games to glorify real-world violence. Tell Valve to speak out against this disturbing use of its game and to take a stand in the fight against school violence.



Video game fans have tremendous creativity and energy, that leads to a wide spectrum of game modifications. Unfortunately, people with bad intentions can and have hijacked this community. Recently, news came out of several people had created a version of your game, Half Life 2, that allowed players to play as a student opening fire in a school.

In the wake of tragedies like the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings, this modification, complete with disturbingly realistic details and the ability to kill yourself at the end of a level, is incredibly insensitive and potentially dangerous.

These days people are already far too willing to say video games inspire violence, and blame video game fans for any number of the world's problems. If this irresponsible game modification is allowed to be used unchecked, it will only reenforce those damaging stereotypes.

Please, speak out against this callous and dangerous modification. Put Valve and Half-Life 2's good reputation behind the fight against school violence.


Tell Mr. Obama to extend unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks!


  • The President of the United States
  • The U.S. Senate
  • The U.S. House of Representatives
  • The Governor of CA
  • The CA State Senate
  • The CA State House


More than 365,000 people unemployed & out of unemployment benefits.

The federal legislation enacted on December 17, 2010, does not include any additional weeks of extended benefits, so the maximum total remains up to 99 weeks of benefits. As of March 14, 2011, there have been more than 365,000 unemployed workers in California who have run out of all available benefits, up to the 99 week maximum.

"99 Weekers" are still the same people they were when they where only "20 weekers" just time has passed but nothing else has. They continue to look for work and try to pay the bills. My husband has a Class A Driver's License as well as a Crane Operator's Certificate and can not find a job.

We have been forced to live in a Motorhome without power and water. We lost our house when he lost his job. We have moved five times this past year. We are now going on our fourth month with zero income and from what I have read there is no future extensions for unemployment benefits. Why put a cap on it, who came up with this 99 weeks? As long as the economy is the way it is and there are no jobs the unemployment benefits should be there. He has worked full time his whole adult life and has never claimed unemployment until he lost his job last year. So why is it that he is being punished by not receiving any more unemployment even though he is still the same person he was when he got laid off and began collecting unemployment, he is still actively looking for work and is more than capable of working. We deserve an explanation as to why the rules change at 99 weeks, the unemployed did not change.

Please sign this petition and show your support for the unemployed workers of this country that are doing their part by looking for work and staying out of trouble and keeping their certificates and licenses up to date. For this they deserve the extention.


Extend the FED ED, to grant another unemployment benefits extention to the 99 weekers.
We, the families of the "99 weekers" are asking that a FED ED extention be granted to those who have completely run out of unemployment benefits.

The "99 weekers" are still the same people they that applied for and received benenfits when they where laid off of the jobs, they are still actively looking for work, they still hold certificates and licenses in their fields of expertise. They deserve another extention.

In addition to requesting that the 99 weeks be extended beyond that, we would also request an explanation as to how the 99 weeks became the cap. Why is their a cap on benefits when there is no cap on the unemployed and their needs.

It is becoming a matter of life or death, some are now homeless or soon to be, most are very depressed due to know light of hope in sight.

Please grant an extention and please explain why we are suffering for being unemployed for over 99 weeks, why is their a cap?

The families of the 99 weekers are demanding an extention, an explanation and a fix to this dangerouse matter NOW!


Online petitions work with the support of the public and by signing this you are showing your support. There are thousands of people in the same situation, even if you are not please sign for those who are. Every signature counts and is very much appriated!

Groundbreaking Dog Fighting DNA Database Launched

Earlier this week, the ASPCA announced the launch of the nation's first criminal dog fighting DNA database, known as the Canine CODIS (Combined DNA Index System). Similar to the FBI's human CODIS—a computerized archive that stores the DNA profiles of criminal offenders and crime scene evidence—the Canine CODIS contains the individual DNA profiles of dogs who have been seized during dog fighting investigations and from samples collected at suspected dog fighting venues.

This new, state-of-the-art system will provide an essential tool for law enforcement to prosecute dog fighting cases nationwide.

"Dog fighting is a multi-million dollar criminal enterprise that contributes to the cruel treatment and deaths of thousands of dogs nationwide every year," says Tim Rickey, the ASPCA's Senior Director of Field Investigations and Response. "This database is a vital component in the fight against animal cruelty and will allow us to strengthen cases against animal abusers and seek justice for their victims."

During an investigation, seized dogs will have their cheeks swabbed, and their DNA will be searched against the Canine CODIS database. Matching results will help law enforcement agencies identify relationships between dogs, and enable investigators to establish connections between breeders, trainers and dog fighters.

"Juries expect forensic science to support the evidence that's presented to them, and animal cruelty cases are no exception," says ASPCA Forensic Veterinarian Dr. Melinda Merck, who testifies in animal cruelty cases around the country. "This database breaks new ground in supplying that evidence for dog fighting investigations."

The ASPCA worked in conjunction with the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO) and the Louisiana SPCA (LA/SPCA) to develop the Canine CODIS. The system will be maintained at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Veterinary Genetics Laboratory.

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