Jimmy Hedges' Headstone Battle
Sponsored by: Tina Hedges
The parents of Jimmy have been told that their sons headstone has to be taken off in six weeks time or the church will remove it, also if the parents do not remove the headstone then the Oxford Diocese will with draw their right to be buried with there son. Jimmy died at the age of 7 years from terminal Cancer.
This is a petition to stop the Diocese of Oxford from doing so.
For more information on this please click on petition below
For updates please follow Jimmy's Facebook Page the link below
Also I would like to point out this is not the first petition it is a follow on from the first that made over a thousand.
Me, my Husband and my Daughter were taking to court in November 2009 because our son/brothers headstone didn't comply with the Diocese of Oxford's regulations. We were not told of the rules before our son/brother was buried in St. Michaels Church yard, Sandhurst in 2004. A Church yard can not have a heart, an angel, a cross or polished granite nor can it have a picture of the person who is buried the list goes on. There was a headstone erected in the same Church yard as Jimmy it is a gates of haven and polished granite it is about 4ft in hight the same a Jimmy's this was also out of the Church yards regulations the priest of St. Michaels said his self they applied for a completely different headstone that was with-in the rules but they erected a gates of haven also adding it is up there now it can stay there yet when young our son/brothers was erected on his grave it was not allowed. One mother has her Husband and Son buried here her son was 4 years old when he died of leukemia, Jimmy went to school with his older sister, her Husband and Son are buried together her sons headstone is a book at the foot of the grave it was pointed out to her that you are not allowed more than one headstone, she has two vase's in the middle which they asked her to remove one, she also has a porcelain picture of her son on his headstone which the Church asked her to chip off. There where letters put on all headstone telling relavties that they had to remove garden plants from graves, toys that had been there a year after the burial and wind charms and other decoration's.