
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

May 5, 2011

A Child's Mother's Day Wish To "Mommy"!

This poem made me think of exactly what my 3 year old Grandson
would say to his Mommy, my Daughter on this Mother's Day.
It is sweet, sincere and from the heart of a sweet little boy
to his Mommy on the first Mother's Day that he's really
talking well and can tell her how much he loves her
and how happy he is that she is his MOMMY!

Remember Grandma On Mother's Day!

At one time or another our Grandmas acted as Mom to us in many ways.
This Mother's Day remember Grandma when your thinking about
the loving women who played a significant part in your growing up to be
the Mother you are now and the Grandma you will be someday!

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