
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

November 2, 2011

What’s your position on S. 873? BE HEARD AT POPVOX!

Please go to the link below and tell your position and be heard!

S. 873: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide benefits for children with spina bifida of veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam era outside Vietnam, and for other purposes.


POPVOX bridges the gap between the input the public wants to provide and the information Members of Congress want and need to receive. Designed bypeople who understand Congress, POPVOX is different from other political sites. It is not a discussion forum. It is a place for action. For more about the site, see About POPVOX or Why It Works.

I voted and was heard, hear is a copy of my letter...

Here’s Your Letter!

Today at 6:53pm
Dear Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein:
I support S. 873: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide benefits for children with spina bifida of veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam era outside Vietnam, and for other purposes..
California’s 4th district

November 1, 2011

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education...

 A list of useful websites for educators, students and everyone.

The White House
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. State Department
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (includes teacher resources)
Library of Congress 
National Archives and Records - Vietnam Resources
50th Annniversary of the Vietnam War (Deparment of Defense)
Vietnam Embassy
National Park Service

Another Vietnam
CIA and the Policy Makers
Free Info Society: President Nixon's End of Vietnam War Speech Vietnam War
The History Net
In-Country Women
My Lai Court Martial
National Council for the Social Studies
The Patriot Files (first-person accounts of the war)
PBS Battlefield Vietnam
A POW's graphic account of suffering and perseverance
Ray Smith's Home Page (1st Battalion 69th Armor)
Smithsonian Channel:  Remembering The Wall at 25
Veterans Education Project
The Vietnam Project at Texas Tech
Vietnam History and the Vietnam War
Vietnam Passage: Journeys from War to Peace (PBS)
The Vietnam War Internet Project
Vietnam War Internet Resource Guide
Vietnam War Lesson Plans (Lesson Corner)
Vietnam War Resources
The Wars for Vietnam 1945-1975
What Students Need to Know About the Vietnam War (Foreign Policy Research Institute)
Women in Vietnam tribute page
Women who died in Vietnam

October 31, 2011

Keep signing online petitions, they really do work!

Score one for a customer rebellion & Online Petitions!

In less than one month, Bank of America went from announcing a new $5 monthly debit card fee, to reeling under huge pressure from the media, Congress, and members. Now, Chase and Wells Fargo -two of Bank of America's biggest consumer banking competitors - have promised not to levy debit card fees on customers, and Bank of America is suggesting they will 'soften' their fee.

It all started with one member, Molly Katchpole, who said enough was enough and started a campaign against Bank of America's $5 fee.

Friday night, ABC World News reported on the banking industry’s reaction to Molly’s campaign. Watch the video to learn how Molly and 300,000 petition signers made big banks listen up!

Here's how it all happened:

September 29: Bank of America announces a new $5 monthly debit card fee.

September 30: Molly creates her petition on; more than 150,000 people sign in the next 5 days.

October 5: The petition becomes a major national story. ABC News interviews Molly, then tracks down Bank of America’s CEO Brian Moynihan and forces him to respond to it.

October 6: Molly delivers 153,000 petitions to Bank of America and closes her account. She appears on ABC World News again to discuss the petition. Local media in Charlotte (where Bank of America is based) openly speculate that the growing controversy could lead to the firing of Moynihan.

October 9: Molly is featured in a major article in the New York Times as an example of the public’s frustration with big banks.

October 10: Bank of America executive Andrew Plepler calls Molly Katchpole to discuss her petition.

October 13: Molly meets with Congressman Brad Miller to discuss a bill in Congress to make it easier to switch banks. The two later appear on CNN together.

October 18: Molly’s petition reaches 225,000, as Bank of America reports a $6 billion profit. The outrage continues to grow.

October 26: Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan says he’s ‘incensed’ over recent criticism of the bank fees

October 27: JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in America, and Wells Fargo announce they will stop testing $3 debit card fees and cancel any plans to charge customers to use their debit cards.

October 28: Bank of America begins a full-on retreat from the $5 debit card fee. An unnamed source at the bank says they will 'soften' the fee and allow more customers - including anyone with a direct deposit - to avoid the $5 fee. Molly appears on ABC World News for the fourth time to talk about her petition.

October 30: Molly's petition reaches 300,000 signatures, and customers continue to demand that Bank of America cancel the $5 fee for all of its customers.

Inspired? Then start your own petition, and make change happen.

Happy Halloween to all!

Have a great Halloween and be safe trick or treating tonight! 

Keep your children close and never take your eyes off of them. Halloween is a wonderful treat for kids as well as adults. Everyone remember what we learned growing up and the rules we had to follow that our parents set to keep us safe and out of trouble. Just take a minute think back and realize how much our parents knew and they were right. If we set the same expectations and rules for our children now we will know that they will be safe, happy and healthy. 

Again, everyone have a safe and happy Halloween, let your children enjoy and stay happy, healthy and of course safe always.

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