
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

November 7, 2011

Last day to submit photos for the Veteran's Day Collage...

Help us remember those who served!

We’ll need your pictures by 10 PM Eastern Time on TODAY so that we have enough time to create an incredible project with all of the photos. Help us commemorate as many Veterans as we can. Share this post by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or StumbleUpon icons below. Please spread the word!


Becca is the Social Media Marketing Manager for Picaboo. She is also the mother of two kids, a miniature cow and has a joyful husband. When she's not creating Victorian Photo Books, she can be found eating carrot cake and watching Six Feet Under reruns.

Now that I have a son, the idea of sacrificing for my country is a reality. My son just started walking, so it’s a far-off worry. But it’s a relevant topic for me as I married into a military family.

My father-in-law is a decorated Colonel. He served in the Big Red One. My husband grew up on military bases and had moved 13 times by the age of 18. They were your typical military family. They bought groceries at the commissary, spent summers at the officer’s club pool and ate Thanksgiving dinner in the mess hall with the troops. Because of this, Veteran’s day has always been a big day for my family.

This year, Picaboo is putting together a collage to honor the men and women who have served our country, but we need your help. Send us a photo of a veteran you’d like to honor, along with their name, branch and rank to and we’ll include them in our collage. Please make sure you send a high resolution image. A JPG is preferred but we’ll take any file format you have.

November 6, 2011

Veteran's Day is Celebrated on November 11th each year...

Veteran's Day also know as Remembrance Day.

The orange rose is a symbol of remembrance.

The emotional impact of the Vietnam War Memorial cannot be overstated
and it is a great challenge to capture on film. This picture speaks for itself
and the roses speak for us all.

The Orange rose symbolizes an expression of pride and amazement of great achievements in someone's life. A bouquet of orange roses would be appropriate for a graduate or to commemorate a promotion and express sincere appreciation for someones accomplishments. Therefor the orange rose is often the "Rose of Remembrance" and is given to family members of those who have passed on as well as laid at memorial and burial sites as a gift of great respect, admiration and to never be forgotten.
Remembrance Day – also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day (the event it commemorates) or Veterans Day – is a day to commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and of civilians in times of war, specifically since the First World War. It is observed on 11 November to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918. (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.)

The "Ode of Remembrance" is an ode taken from Laurence Binyon's "For the Fallen", which was first published in The Times in September 1914.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

FranceArmistice day is celebrated in France. It commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning - the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month."

We will remember them.

November 5, 2011

Army General Calls for Changing Name of PTSD!

Some members of the Army hope that renaming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, as an injury will encourage more soldiers to seek help.

The nation's second-highest ranking Army officer is calling on mental health professionals to change the name of the condition that has afflicted hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers. But some of those doctors are resisting the change.

The term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, carries a stigma that has discouraged too many soldiers from understanding the condition and seeking proper treatment, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the Army vice chief of staff told the PBS NewsHour. He would like to see PTSD called Post Traumatic Stress Injury, or PTSI, instead.

"It is an injury," Chiarelli said. Calling the condition a "disorder" perpetuates a bias against the mental health illness and "has the connotation of being something that is a pre-existing problem that an individual has" before they came into the Army and "makes the person seem weak," he added.

"It seems clear to me that we should get rid of the 'D' if that is in any way inhibiting people from getting the help they need," Chiarelli said. Calling it an injury instead of a disorder "would have a huge impact," encouraging soldiers suffering from the condition to seek help, according to the four-star general.

Rates of PTSD in the Army are estimated at 10-20 percent for combat infantry soldiers who experienced direct combat. In some units with high combat involvement, the rates are as high as 25-30 percent.

Chiarelli's call to change the name to PTSI comes at a time when the American Psychiatric Association is in the process of updating its "bible" of mental health illnesses. Officially called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM IV), it classifies and defines the criteria for mental health conditions. It is used by health and mental health professionals, ranging from psychiatrists to physicians to psychologists, according to the association.

The manual currently says that for a person to have PTSD, he or she must have been exposed to a traumatic event, and then have a number of symptoms for more than one month. The individual persistently re-experiences the event, such as through distressing dreams or intrusive recollections. The person also must seek to avoid stimuli associated with the trauma, such as avoiding activities that remind him or her of the event. Another symptom is increased arousal, including hypervigilance or difficulty staying asleep.

Chiarelli is not the only one calling for a name change. Former Army 1st Lt. Paul Rieckhoff, the founder and executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said from a "national messaging standpoint," changing the name would help reduce the negative connotations associated with PTSD.

"We believe that PTSD is a wound you suffer in combat, just like a bullet wound, and if you don't take care of it, and you don't treat it, it's going to be a problem," Rieckhoff said.

However, the chairman of psychiatrists' committee overseeing the professional guidebook update of the PTSD diagnosis, Dr. Matthew Friedman, said he "sees no useful purpose to change the name."

He told the PBS NewsHour: "There is stigma attached to any mental illness. And PTSD is no different."

The discomfort with such a diagnosis "may be amplified in military culture," he acknowledged. In other settings, such as in the civilian world, "PTSD may be even less of a stigma," he said.

Friedman is also the executive director of the National Center for PTSD, the Department of Veteran Affairs' center for research and education on the prevention, understanding, and treatment of PTSD.

A diagnosis of PTSD does not imply that a soldier "doesn't have the right stuff," because it gives primacy to being exposed to a traumatic event, Friedman said.

This line of thinking sounds like "doctors are dancing on the head of a pin," argued Chiarelli. He emphasized that a name change would not be carried out for the sake of physicians, but help encourage afflicted soldiers and their commanders to embrace diagnosis and treatment. "If it was only doctors I had to convince to seek help, I wouldn't care if it had a 'D' at the end of it."

The soldier himself might be an obstacle to receiving treatment, said Chiarelli. "I have to convince a 19-year-old kid who thinks he's invincible that he's got an issue ... that he has to deal with. A no-kidding injury that he can't see. That many of his buddies don't even believe is real," he said. "But I need to get him the help that he needs ... A disorder is something, to a 19-year-old kid, that [seems] pre-existing that makes me weaker than other people."

PTSD's emergence after Vietnam...

The diagnosis of PTSD was first included in the third edition of the manual in 1980. Ochberg, who at that time was involved in updating the manual, said he and his colleagues wanted it called a disorder because -- only half-jokingly -- "we figured if we did, then Blue Cross would pay for it."

Ochberg was "part of the Vietnam generation who opposed the war but ultimately recognized the price the warrior paid," he said. "I saw the similarity between the rape trauma syndrome and military trauma. My take on the history of the time was that PTSD was the common ground between the male trauma of combat and the female trauma of rape, and incest and battering."

"All syndromes coming out of the DSM in 1980 were disorders," said another leading mental health professional, Charles Figley, director of Tulane University's Traumatology Institute.

An expert on trauma and author of the 1978 book, "Stress Disorders Among Vietnam Veterans: Theory, Research," Figley said calling the condition a disorder reflected a combination of factors. "Part [of it] was politics. To give Vietnam veterans their due. The hawks thought they [veterans with the illness] were whiny babies, and the doves thought they were crazy. So it was an effort to legitimize the pain and suffering they were going through."

Revising the manual of mental illnesses...

The American Psychiatric Association began preliminary work on updating its dictionary of mental health illnesses in 1999, and opened the draft text to public comment.

The committee received hundreds of comments, but not on changing the name of PTSD, said Friedman.

Asked if the committee revising the entry for PTSD would be open to changing the name if the Army formally made such a request, Friedman said "we would consider it" and that "the Army is part of the field. And they obviously are a very important constituent."

According to Friedman, the current name of the condition has proved helpful. "The most important thing about the name PTSD, prior the 1980 version of the manual," is that "we had a whole bunch of syndromes that were all named by the stressor," he said. "There was rape trauma syndrome, there was battered wife syndrome, there was war sailor syndrome, there was post-Vietnam syndrome, concentration camp syndrome, and on and on."

The "brilliance" of those who wrote the manual in 1980 is that "they understood that it really didn't matter what the particular stressor was," Friedman said. "If it was a traumatic stressor and the individual's coping capacities were exceeded, that it was the response rather than the stressor that matter."

The revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual will be released in final form in May 2013.

Living With PTSD, A Wife's Perspective...

Do not let PTSD destroy you or your marriage!

Isolation, loneliness, sadness, despair and hopelessness – these emotions become a daily part of the lives of women who live with a veteran suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD]. There are finally programs available for the veteran suffering, but what do their wives (or husbands) do?

For the most part, we suffer in silence and either learn to live within the parameters that our veteran sets forth, or our marriages end. In my life, neither option was acceptable. I long ago accepted that the ignorance of others regarding PTSD was something I could not change. No matter how many times one tries to explain the perils of PTSD to a family member or friend, the reality is; unless you live with it every day, you simply cannot understand.

Countless times I have heard “that was a long time ago, get over it already, just move on” – and other such nonsensical statements. This simply confirms what we already know, they just don’t get it. When these comments are made by close friends or family members, they cut to the core and the hurt much deeper.

Eventually these types of comments and attitudes drive the spouse of a PTSD veteran even further away from friends and even family. Why? Because protecting our beloved vet has become second nature. Running interference at family functions, community events or even at home with the children is so ingrained that usually we aren’t even aware we are doing it.

We have learned when we dine out to sit in a location that allows our vet to clearly see the entrance or exits, never with his back to a window or near the kitchen entry where loud noises and dropped trays are most likely to occur. While at family or community events, our focus is ensuring our husbands are not overwhelmed by the crowds, noise or gets involved with a conversation that can turn ugly in an instant because someone says the wrong thing. Most of the time, by-standers (or family members) will never see any of this. For the wife it is instinctual and appears effortless. The reality is over time it just wears us down. At times someone may see a flicker of concern in her eyes, but will never see the sadness or loneliness that lurks beneath the surface. She has become a master at masking it from everyone including her vet.

The VA is woefully incompetent in assisting our PTSD veterans and even more-so for their wives. However there are some programs/classes or support groups beginning to surface at select VA facilities across the country.

If you are the wife of a veteran suffering with PTSD please, please know that you are NOT alone. I know it feels like you are. There are hundreds of thousands of us out here and many of us are willing to help. If your local VA hospital or clinic does not offer support for the spouses, get on-line. Find a support group. Do not let PTSD destroy you or your marriage. There is help out here for you.

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