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December 19, 2011

Obama Following the Bush Doctrin!

Obama is leading the war in Afghanistan!


Please tell me the difference between Bush and the Iraq/Afghanistan War and Obama and the Afghanistan/Libya war? Why is the liberals not condemning Obama? It just shows that Liberals will politicize the war and disregard the men and women who died while serving the military. Obama's quote is very similar to what Bush said in 2003. Yes Liberals, believe it or not, Obama is leading the war against Libya!

MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: 'Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world'...

MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: 'American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger'...

Thank you for this posting on your blog. I was trying to find the words to do this and you helped me, good job! I hope this explains some facts to more people following the current events of today.

Conservative Views For The Grassroots: Obama Following the Bush Doctrine

December 16, 2011

Oppose Bill H.R. 2055 Restricts Benefits To Vietnam Vets

H.R. 2055: Military Construction & Veterans Affairs.

Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012

Summary: Making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. (More Info)

Oppose Amendment to MilCon/VA Spending Bill (HR 2055) Senator Coburn (Ok.) has filed an amendment (#564) to the Military Construction/ Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill (HR 2055) that will require a "causal relationship" for presumption for service connection for diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure that will significantly restrict benefits to Vietnam veterans. Vietnam veterans are presumed to be exposed to Agent Orange if they have certain conditions or diseases after the VA determines that a positive association exists between the exposure and the occurrence of the disease. Congress chose this mechanism because it is nearly impossible for Vietnam veterans to prove that exposure to Agent Orange caused their disease. Requiring a "causal relationship" would essentially mean that VA benefits for Agent Orange exposure would be out of reach for many Vietnam veterans that were exposed to the Agent Orange herbicide.

112th Congress: 2011-2012
Making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes.
Status: Bill passed both chambers. Next: The bill may now proceed to a conference committee of senators and representatives to work out differences in the versions of the bill each chamber approved.[Last Updated: Dec 16, 2011 12:00PM]


The Administration

The Administration 1,210,683 Facebook fans 2,536,321 Twitter followers
The Administration supports House passage of H.R. 2055, making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes. The Administration is committed to ensuring the Nation lives within its means and reducing the deficit so that the Nation can compete in the global economy and win the future. That is why the President put forth a comprehensive fiscal framework that reduces the deficit by $4 trillion, supports economic growth and long-term job creation, protects critical investments, and meets the commitments made to provide dignity and security to Americans no matter their circumstances.
While overall funding limits and subsequent allocations remain unclear pending the outcome of ongoing bipartisan, bicameral discussions between the Administration and congressional leadership on the Nation's long-term fiscal picture, a number of problematic policy and language issues have been included in the bill as follows: Military Construction. The Administration appreciates the Committee's support for critical Military Construction projects but is concerned with the use of incremental funding that would not support usable segments for the following projects: Aviation Complex, Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Mountainview Operations Center, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado; Ambulatory Care Center, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland; and Guam Strike Fuel Systems Maintenance Hangar, Joint Region Marianas, Guam. Incremental funding of Military Construction runs counter to sound budgeting principles and fiscal discipline.
Implementation of Force Management Initiatives. The Administration is concerned with the inclusion of two provisions that limit the ability of the Department of Defense to undertake force management actions, including previously approved Base Realignment and Closure actions. The authority to execute these force management actions allows the Department to more efficiently allocate scarce resources during a time of conflict. Constitutional Concerns. Section 113 is phrased in a manner that could be construed to require the Executive Branch, without discretion, to notify the Congress 30 days in advance of certain military exercises, which would intrude on the President's discharge of his Constitutional authorities and duties to protect national security. The Administration recommends revising section 113 to make explicit that 30 days advance notice to the Congress is required where feasible and consistent with the President's constitutional responsibilities to protect national security.
Project Labor Agreements. The Administration strongly opposes the provision prohibiting the enforcement of Executive Order 13502 (and implementing issuances) on the use of project labor agreements. The use of a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) can provide structure and stability to large construction projects. PLAs also help ensure compliance with laws and regulations governing workplace safety and health, equal employment opportunity and labor and employment standards. The coordination achieved through PLAs can significantly enhance the economy and efficiency of Federal construction projects.
The Administration strongly opposes inclusion of ideological and political provisions that are beyond the scope of funding legislation. Should the Congress continue to include language that is not relevant to a funding debate, the Administration will oppose the bill. The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress as the fiscal year 2012 appropriations process moves forward.
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* This organization’s position on this bill was entered by POPVOX.

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December 15, 2011

Christmas for a 3 year old is like his 1st ever!

My grandson is 3 this Christmas & so excited, almost like it's his 1st Christmas!

Yesterday I posted a baby's first Christmas poem for my granddaughter and just couldn't resist going back a couple of years and making a baby's first Christmas poem for my grandson who is 3 this year. Even though AJ is 3 years old and it's obviously not his first Christmas you would think it was by his excitement over it. When we are in the stores and he sees decorations for sale and displays of Christmas trees he just has to go and see "Christmas" as he calls it. I can be pushing the cart with him in the back and I hear "Grandma Christmas, Christmas Grandma" as he's pointing toward the decorated trees. It is so wonderful to see Christmas through a 3 year old little boys eyes. When we are driving after dark and pass by houses decorated with lights and Santa on a roof top, again I hear "Christmas Grandma" and at that moment any worries I may have had in mind disappear and the world is perfect for that minute. He says Santa Claus is bringing him a monster truck and hot wheels cars. I asked him if he was going to go tell Santa what he wanted when he came to the mall or did he want to write him a letter-well he chose the letter, can't say I blame him. If you get the chance to celebrate Christmas with your children or grandchildren make sure you take a minute to see it through their eyes, you will be so happy you did. 
Merry Christmas AJ, Grandma loves you very much!

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