
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

June 11, 2012

Birthday Balloons!

Celebrating a special birthday!

Twenty five balloons were released to fly high in the sky for Bobby's 25th Birthday. Bobby's sister & brothers along with his little nephew let the balloons go yesterday near his home. AJ is almost four years old and he got to release half of them all by himself. They watched as the balloons floated peacefully in the bright sunny sky on their flight to Heaven to help Bobby celebrate his birthday.

It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of smiles as everyone remembered Bobby's great smile.

AJ didn't quite understand why they didn't keep the balloons but he will some day and he will be happy he got to let half of them fly up to Bobby. Abbygail was taking a nap, she is 14 months old and she would not have let them go, she really likes balloons and she will for sure let you know if you try to take her balloon away, she is so adorable.

Happy Birthday Bobby, I'm sure you have a big smile on your face now and had a good laugh when they were letting those balloons go. We all love you and miss you and know your doing great and thank you so much for watching over us.

Bobby's Birthday Post 2011

Life Spot

June 10, 2012

You came to us 25 years ago & you left us to go to Heaven 3 years ago.

Dearest Bobby,

We all want to wish you a wonderful and happy birthday in Heaven. Knowing you are watching over us gives us great comfort and keeps us smiling.

We all miss you so very much, we know that we will be together again someday and until then you are in our hearts, our souls and always in our thoughts. You are with us everyday, each of us in our own special way.

We hear you in the birds singing, we feel you in the warm breeze and we especially know you are here when our babies' smiles are so big and bright, when they are laughing and playing so full of happiness it's you that guides their way. Thank you for sharing a little bit of Heaven on Earth with them and please keep them under your wings wherever they may go, you are the most amazing Guardian Angel they could ever have.

There is so much to share with you even though I know you are aware of it all, it's hard to not keep going on with this letter. It's as if ending this letter is again saying goodbye but being able to send this birthday wish to you is comforting and I just want you to know we are all doing good and know you are to.

You are in every part of our lives as you always have been, our son, brother, cousin, nephew, uncle, grandson, great grandson.

Now you are a Father to a beautiful little girl Kady. She is darling and looks so much like you, she loves you very much.

We all love and miss you very much. Happy 25th Birthday Bobby. Celebrate in Heaven, we are celebrating here for you in many ways. Ashley updated her Facebook status yesterday saying:

"It's about that time again....We're celebrating your 25th birthday tomorrow...It may be 3 years now....but it still feels like yesterday...I love and miss you dearly my big brother forever and always...R.I.P Bobby D. Green Jr. ♥"

Happy Birthday wishes are coming from everyone who loves in many ways and popping up in lots of places. Until we meet again, your always with us and please keep us with you forever, your beautiful daughter along with all of our babies are blessed to have you as their Guardian Angel. We love you!

June 1, 2012

Life Spot's New Look

My blog is almost two years old and I think it is time for a "blog makeover". I have been doing a lot of research on colors and themes that are appealing to the blog audience. During my what seemed like a never ending search for just the right blog template I discovered that going back to a blogger default template was the best choice at this time.

Since I started this blog I have used custom CSS or XML templates to give it a nice look and welcoming interface. When I decided to completely redo my blog this time I could not find a template that I was happy with or fit my blogs story line.

So being the graphics artist that I am and have been for over 15 years, just like I would do in the past, if I couldn't find the perfect graphic I would create one. I have found that if you have an idea and look in your mind of what you want your blog to be, the best way to accomplish that is to go with your talent and create exactly what your imagination is telling you is the perfect look, and that is what I did.

I created the header, post dividers, footer and many more graphics and elements featured in the template that is now my new blog with a very nice and welcoming front page that keeps your attention without too many animations and colors that could discourage readers from a nice long visit.

I started with a color theme of earth tones and a graphics theme that resembles a vintage scrapbook design. More and more scrapbooking sites are popping up due to the demand for that style of elements to accent a blog or website. I found several very nice websites that offered wonderful and free accessories to help dress up any blog.

It is still a work in progress or I guess you could say under construction because I have not added the post dividers or footer yet, but will be very soon. So far I am happy with my new look and can't wait for the final product and complete template to be done and uploaded, it is going to be beautiful.

I hope you enjoy Life Spot and it's contents, topics, stories, inspirations, causes and all of what Life has to offer. My goal is to have a little spot for anyone to come visit and stay a while, relax and find your little spot in life that is full of all the important little things the news channels and "big" websites leave out.

It is the little things in life that mean the most and you will find some wonderful and special little spots right here at Life Spot, enjoy and please share with your friends and family.


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