
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

June 13, 2011

Happy Birthday in Heaven, Bobby!

Today is my step son's birthday, Bobby Green who is in Heaven.

He left us two years ago to go where he could be our Guardian Angel and watch over all of us. I know he is especially paying attention to his little Sister, Ashley and her two babies, AJ & Abby who are three years old and three months old. He also has a big job of keeping an eye on his younger Brother, Jeremy who likes to have fun, sometimes too much but he is a great kid and doing really good. Ashley, Alan & the babies are doing great as well. We all love and miss you Bobby, keep up the great job you are doing as our Guardian (who is 24 today), It's hard to imagine you being 24 years old but harder to realize you are not here. I miss you every day and what keeps me positive is knowing you are ok and that you will make sure your Sister and her babies are all good and your Brother is good. We will all see you someday, you can stop by and visit anytime. Just being funny with you as you are always laughing and making everyone laugh, that's how I see you when I picture you now, is laughing, stay that way!

June 8, 2011

Join EFF and say no to Internet censorship.

Say No To Online Censorship! Freedom of Speech & Press!
Governments around the world are proposing laws that would severely limit our right to free expression. In the United States, lawmakers have rashly proposed a law that would threaten many news reporting agencies. Sadly, we expect to see similar efforts in other countries over the coming weeks and months. When governments, individuals or companies choose to turn their backs on protected speech, we all lose. Now is the time to stand up for your rights. Join EFF and say no to Internet censorship.

Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman...

Often times the Taurus is confounded by the Archer's wildness. The Taurus spends its time trying to figure out what makes the Sagittarius tick. The Sagittarius does not spend the same time trying to plumb the depths of Taurus. It appears that Taurus is fairly simple to understand.

Hopefulness was invented by Sagittarians, spawning new optimistic dreams, woven with strands of aspiration. Taurus is in a practical, somewhat gloomy, almost pessimism. Taurus watches Sagittarius and sees a sign that says: “Caution”. Taurus is not fearful of Sagittarius, more like “wary”. If these two get together, Taurus will have to make the adjustments. If Taurus demands changes of Sagittarius, the Archer will feel that they are being asked to make changes for no good reason, other than that they are being profoundly misunderstood and judged.

Sagittarius is seeking justice and fairness, and in that mode, they feel they can say and do what they wish. That is their “raison d'être”. You might be able to restrict the Archer's misbehavior, but certainly not their “being”.

Taurus sees an adventure in Sagittarius. These two signs will party, play and be very good friends. There is much to be learned from one another. They will have similar ideas and share common goals. Sagittarius will be instantly attracted to sensual Taurus. Taurus will stick with Sagittarius in sickness and in health. Sagittarius will feel at home with Taurus. Taurus will find Sagittarius independence very attractive. This is a highly rewarding combination that has both long and short term potential. Before they know it, they could fall madly in love. Taurus is serious and sensual. Sagittarius considers Taurus a keeper and friendship will be evident long after the attraction has ended. You will learn more about yourselves in this relationship. It's worth the insight.

Patient Taurus, normally sweet and winsome, may be forced to lose its legendary wicked temper, just to get Sagittarius' attention. Sag can defend itself well, rear up, neigh and winnie with great drama. However, its sense of fairness won't let it lie too much, though it might make noise. The archer could feel cramped and dampened by the Bull's critique.

The Taurus will need to loosen up.
The Archer not to mind a little restraint.
Life in the end is repetitive and mundane, and so is Romance itself.
This factor asks the question: "Can we be bored together over the long term?"
It is difficult to imagine the Sagittarius letting things get boring.

The Sagittarius need for freedom and to go off traveling will arouse the Taurus temper and awaken the possessive/jealous streak inside.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Woman.

Sagittarius: November 22nd - December 21st.
A Sagittarius woman lacks clock and their dwelling; on to statements can you for feeling like a running away from it form. Then she suddenly says so something that you believe, as if you are on the 7th sky. There you go again! They are again included in their charm. As soon as you become of a Sagittarius girl enamored, you with it for a long time to remain. It is pleasantly very, friendly, frankly and. Their openness comes from the fact that it does not have illusions over the world.
She sees it exact, while it is and says what it sees. Sometimes you can wish that they were not so honest. But on the other hand, it became like each possible other girl, wouldn’t’ its; t it? In all probability you do not like it. A Sagittarius woman is very optimistic, but she is not opposed to common sense. She judges the entire situation as per the fact, analyzed its probable result and believes still that things improve. Normally it is very calm and existed. However if you become impolite to it or it to insult, it can become like the fire brackets counter acting force.

Sagittarius women are quite independent and love their freedom. They are attached to their family, but not too much. If you liked to keep somewhat effected from a Sagittarius woman, simply you asked them; don’ baptize-rise up. She does it never at all. It is your better half and don’t, which you forget dare. On the one hand it doesn’t wish husband or a friend. It must be a real man, that its ego and won’ has; T-location for nonsense. Thus you are expected to balance politeness with firmness.

This is a time of great personal change. You become tired of your role in life, and you are very sensitive to habits, customs, and social requirements that hide the "real you". You feel as though you have been drifting along with the tide and following the crowd for too long, and your inner needs and motivations must assert themselves more strongly. This is a time you could be more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now. Take a step back if possible and realize tomorrow will be here soon enough. 

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