
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

January 31, 2012

The Brooke & Taylor Show!

Swifty’s Sweetest Fans!

Taylor Swift has to be one of the busiest girls in the world (touring, recording, shooting videos – and that’s just for her music career. The girl is also an actress and a businesswoman!), but she never fails to make time for charity, like her involvement with the Ronald McDonald House, which provides support for kids and families in need. At an event in New York City, Tay even took time to co-host a little YouTube broadcast with one of her sweetest fans! Check it out below.

Brooke's Blossoms

Brooke's Blossoms is a new service to help supply the beautiful little girls battling cancer and have lost the hair with Headbands & Hats with dolled up with Flowers, Bows, Feathers, & Bling. Anything to make them feel special and let there Diva Shine! This is all in Honor of Brooke Hester and the exciting part is she is getting to help Distribute them!!!!

There are several ways you can help. You can contribute with supplies for the Blossoms, messages for the Girls or a Monetary donation to go towards supplies. However you would like!!

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