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January 31, 2012

Santorum: Baby Created in Rape Still a "Gift"!

At least the people got to see the real candidate before voting!

I hope this candidate realizes that 50% of voters are women and a lot of women have a way of convincing the men in their lives to vote their way!

It is unbelievable that a public speaker would actually make such a statement to the country. He has the right to believe what he want's to believe but to take such a serious issue and create a statement around it and then actually release that statement is completely shocking. What was he thinking? Was he thinking? If he has this kind of mind set on such matters, what else does he believe is in the best interest of the "people"?

In my opinion I believe he should make a public appology to all women in our country and especially to those who have been forced to make such a horrible decision that in it's self is so terribly hard to make and now have had more guilt put on them by a representative who is supposed to be supporting our civil rights not fighting against them.

Santorum: Baby Created in Rape Still a "Gift" | RH Reality Check:

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