
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

March 6, 2013

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month!

We are in the first week of March!

Endometriosis Awareness Blogs & Websites are showing their yellow and getting the word out very well! Below is a great poster of the definition of Endometriosis and it affects millions of women every day!

Please share this with everyone you know and ask them to share it as well. It may be the first week of March and yellow is flying but we still have the rest of the month to make sure we get the word out and the point across and keep the yellow flying in the hopes that very soon we will have a cure for this terrible disease. 

Awareness is the key to receiving funding for research that will lead to a cure. The more awareness the faster the funding which brings a cure much, much sooner and saving millions of women from the pain and suffering of Endometriosis.

Thank you for sharing and for raising awareness, please keep it going!

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