
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

March 31, 2011

I got to spend the day with my babies!

I got to spend the day with my babies, finally, after the rain has stopped and the weather was nice enough for us to get out and do something fun. My daughter Ashley, came over to my house and brought my new 3 week old granddaughter Abbygail and my 2 1/2 year old grandson AJ. It was a great day, AJ played and ran all his energy out while I got to hold and feed my sweet new baby girl. Then all of us went for a walk on the ranch to a pond that has a small stream flowing into it and AJ thought it was the coolest thing that Grandma has all this at her house. We came up with the idea of having an Easter egg hunt and picnic at my house for Easter this year. AJ wants a fishing pole for Easter so he can fish in the pond (there are no fish in it) but he doesn't know that. We have wild rabbits running all over the area here as well as plenty of geese flying over making lots of noise. There is a horse next door and AJ has to say hi to him everytime he comes over. At the end of the road on the corner there is about five sheep that really need a hair cut, the poor things they have so much wool on them I don't know how they walk, and AJ just could not believe his eyes when he saw them. When it's time for them to go home he always says "I had fun Grandma" and it is the best thing I could hear from him other than when he tells me he loves me. He is such a sweetie pie. So I'm hoping he looks forward to coming to Grandma's house to see all the great wild life and do all the fun things but most of all to see Grandma. Oh and one more thing, we went to the grocery store and he was in the back of the shopping cart with his little sister in her travel seat snapped onto the front of the cart when an older, very nice woman came up to see the baby and asked how old she was and how much she weighed when she was born, you know the usual, and OMG, AJ went crazy, he stood up in the cart and started yelling NO, NO, both Ashley and myself had to tell him it was ok and that the nice lady was just saying hi to his little sister and telling us how pretty she was, finally he calmed down but didn't sit down until the lady left. We were shocked and amazed at how protective he was over his baby sister, it was great but very surprising, I had never seen him act that way before. So I guess this little girl is very lucky to have such a great big brother to take care of her. Over all it was a wonderful day and I can't wait for more and especially for Easter!

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Today, you and others have generated the value of 374 meals for homeless and hungry veterans and their families. Thank you!

March 24, 2011


Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. You can never reach your destination if you don't have a destination.

Decide what accomplishments you want, take a whole quiet day to consider your life. What is important for your happiness is having a goal, and working toward it.

And the 2010 Purpose Prize Winners Are…

Ten individuals have been awarded up to $100,000 for their work to improve their communities and the world. From fighting U.S. foreclosures to taking on powerful polluters to rebuilding Afghanistan, this year’s Purpose Prize winners are working on community-based issues from the ground up -- and getting results. You can read about all 10 of the 2010 winners below.

Watch videos of the five $100,000 winners Read about the 46 individuals named 2010 Purpose Prize fellows. Now in its fifth year, The Purpose Prize has recognized more than 300 winners and fellows for making extraordinary contributions in their encore careers. Learn more about The Prize.

Five adults over 60 have been awarded the $100,000 Purpose Prize for their work and five have been awarded the $50,000 Purpose Prize.

This year’s $100,000 winners are:
Allan Barsema of Rockford, Ill., who creates innovative online networks of social service agencies to ensure that homeless people get the help they need quickly, efficiently and effectively. More >
Barry Childs of Marylhurst, Ore., who improves the lives of vulnerable children and their families in Tanzania by creating farming cooperatives, building classrooms and opening clinics. More >
Margaret Gordon of Oakland, Calif., who connected the asthma that plagued her low-income community to the pollution of the nearby port, she has fought to improve the area’s environmental health. More >
Inez Killingsworth of Cleveland, who helps homeowners avoid foreclosure by negotiating with banks for more favorable terms on mortgages. More >
Judith Van Ginkel of Cincinnati, who leads a program that provides in-home services for first-time, at-risk mothers – including parenting support – to improve the lives of young families. More >
The $50,000 winners for 2010 are:
Barbara Allen of Lafayette Hills, Pa., who engages children as philanthropists to create artwork that brings in donations that pay for desperately needed art supplies for inner-city Philadelphia schools. More >
Dana Freyer of New York City, who helps rural Afghans alleviate poverty, build sustainable livelihoods and restore their environment by revitalizing woodlots, vineyards and orchards. More >
Hubert Jones of Boston, who brings children together to sing songs of hope, faith and promise, uniting young people across differences of race, religion and economic status. More >
Donald Stedman of Raleigh, N.C., who counsels schools on the best ways to engage seriously disabled students, then helps to assess technological and teacher training needs. More >
Bo Webb of Whitesville, W. Va., a community organizer who is building a movement to stop mountaintop removal, an environmentally destructive method of mining for coal. More >

This year’s 46 Purpose Prize fellows are working on issues including providing quality end-of-life care to terminally ill children, increasing affordable housing options, training professionals to investigate war crimes, addressing chronic unemployment, promoting alternative fuel sources to protect the environment, providing culturally relevant support services to immigrants, preparing prisoners for finding jobs and rescuing teenage girls from prostitution.


Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind. Everything in life is a choice. There is never anything we ever "need" to do. Every action and thought is a choice and has consequences - pleasant or unpleasant. So, hold a daily celebration of gratitude for life. Happiness is a choice. Stay alert and make conscious choices for happiness.

March 21, 2011

BAN Snow from the Earth until December of 2011 - The Petition Site

BAN Snow from the Earth until December of 2011 - The Petition Site

The Veterans Site

Click on the blue button at The Veterans Site and help
a homeless and hungry veteran get a free meal, at no cost
to you.

Today, you and others have generated the value of 421 meals for homeless and hungry veterans and their families. Thank you!


There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. Forgive someone for something right now. Release the resentment and anger. This practice is for you to become happier. Telling the other person that you forgive them is completely optional, and is merely a bonus.

March 20, 2011

Just too cute!

Isn't this just an adorable picture of my grandbabies?


Reflect in Love & feel your response & you will find the best way to convey what you are trying to express in the most loving way possible for all involved. Your life, our lives, everyone's life is images of the mind expressed! Change your thoughts & you change your life!

We Need Unemployment Benefits Extended Beyond 99 Weeks

Congress has passed a legislation that extends unemployment benefits by 99 weeks to give unemployed people some respite from stagnant hiring in most industries. However, some advocacy groups claim that even such a long period of extended benefits may not be enough time for half the number of unemployed to get jobs. They are pushing policy makers for an extension of unemployment benefits by several more months.

In spite of the plea for extensions, several economists are quick to point out the potential pitfalls of increasing the duration of benefits further. They say that people would be encouraged to choose not to work to make use of government subsidies. These extensions are likely to cost the taxpayers a hefty $156 billion. Any additional funding will hit the government, which is already reeling from a budget deficit of $1.4 trillion after rolling out billions of dollars in bailout money last year.

As companies are keen on keeping costs at a minimum since the recession, they have put a freeze on recruitment, though there are signs that some of them are beginning to hire now. Congress has offered state-sponsored unemployment support for 26 weeks with the choice of reapplying for it to get up to 73 weeks of additional funding.

Advocacy groups argue that the benefits help people make mortgage payments and meet necessary living expenses. They also put money back in circulation in a slowly recovering financial market. Supporters of extended unemployment benefits also say that these benefits have helped revive the economy, as the jobless tend to spend every dollar they receive.

The other side of the raging debate points out that the unemployed will not get back to work any time soon, as they have unemployment benefit checks to tide them through the rough phase. If additional funding is withheld, they will have to take any job that they can get, which will be better for the economy in the long run.

The Labor Department statistics on the job availability versus job seeker ratio is quite disturbing. For every job, there are 5.5 applicants. But critics of unemployment benefits believe that work is available if people are willing to relocate or take jobs in different fields. They say that even if the Congress decides to extend benefits one more time, the unemployed should see it as the last extension.

March 18, 2011

How to cope with a toddler and a new baby

It will be hard at times, but it won't be impossible. Here are our top tips on how to cope.

• Prepare as much as possible beforehand. Cook and freeze meals while you're still pregnant so you've a good supply of nutritious food to see you all through the early days after the birth.

• Don't be too proud to accept offers of help -- and don't be afraid to suggest really useful things friends could do.

• Lower your expectations of how the house will look during the first few weeks. You've got a lot on your plate, and it doesn't really matter if the dusting doesn't get done or you have to wear un-ironed clothes for a few days.

•As soon as you can, try to get out for at least a short walk every day -- it's amazing what a boost it is to get out of doors.

• Make your toddler aware from the very start that the baby is interested in her, is watching her and loves her. Say things like, "She's following your game with her eyes" and "She's very interested in what you're doing".

• Involve her in games with the baby from the earliest days, and always tell your toddler how much you value her help and assistance with helping at bathtime and so on.

When jealousy arises, just be firm. You may need to reiterate that the baby is a part of the family and is staying. A lot of toddlers will ask their parents to send the baby back. But like everything in life, it takes time to get use to the change. Keep a watchful eye on your baby and toddler. Some toddlers will react with anger - slapping or hitting the new baby. Don't overreact - but firmly explain that he is hurting the baby and that behavior is not acceptable. To the toddler the world once revolved around them - now they have to share their world with this tiny creature that takes mommy's attention away. Try to understand from the toddler's point of view that they are simply defending their position and be patient with them.
When you bring your new baby home - remember that the toddler, no matter how sweet and gentle they are, is too young to baby-sit. Keep an eye on both of them, and very soon the baby will be big enough to actually play with the big brother or sister.

Do whatever it takes to make you child feel that you need his help and he is not forgotten. It is okay to let your child assist in feeding ay with your supervision. That way they to can form a bond with their sibling.

Your 1-week-old

Your baby's eyesight is still pretty fuzzy. Babies are born nearsighted and can see things best when they're about 8 to 15 inches away, so she can see your face clearly only when you're holding her close.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't look you right in the eye from the start: Newborns tend to look at your eyebrows, your hairline, or your moving mouth. As she gets to know you in the first month, she'll become more interested in having eye-to-eye exchanges. Studies show that newborns prefer human faces to all other patterns or colors. (Objects that are bright, moving, high-contrast, or black-and-white are next in line.)
Even this early, babies can recognize faces and gestures intuitively — and sometimes even imitate them. Try putting your face close to hers and sticking out your tongue or raising your eyebrows a few times. Then give your baby some time to mimic your gesture.

Even if your baby doesn't copy your expression now, she's keeping close tabs — and learning. If you interact with her and she doesn't seem receptive at all, don't worry. She may have gotten sleepy or a bit overwhelmed and need to take a break.

Young babies spend a lot of time sleeping, and to reduce the risk of SIDS, the safest sleep position is on their back. But when your baby's awake — and in the coming weeks she'll have more and more "awake" time — be sure to put her on her tummy. Babies need to spend time on their belly every day to strengthen their neck muscles. So start getting her used to that position now, or she may resist when she gets older.

All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon. If your baby was premature, keep in mind that kids born early usually need a bit more time to meet their milestones. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, ask your healthcare provider.

March 17, 2011

My babies!!!

I am so blessed to have such wonderful kids, my amazing daughter and son-n-law have given me two beautiful grandchildren, AJ who is 2 1/2 and now Abbygail who is 1 week old. Thank you Ashley & Alan! I love you all more than anything in this world. You are the light of my life and my everything.

March 16, 2011

Congratulations Ashley, Alan & AJ on your new blessing...

Abbygail Lyla, born March 11, 2011 at 9:53pm, she weighed 8lbs., 7ozs., and 20" long. The whole family is doing great and of course I'm as proud as can be, I have a beautiful granddaughter, Abby and wonder grandson, AJ!!! Thanks to my amazing daughter, Ashley & son-n-law, Alan!!!

It's A Girl...

Our baby girl has joined us! Abbygail Lyla was born March 11, 2011 at 9:53pm, she weighed 8lbs., 7ozs., and 20" long. She is beautiful just like her Mother, Ashley. Her Daddy, Alan & big brother AJ and of course her Mommy are all doing great and happier than ever! I am a very proud Grandma. I got to spend the whole day with them when they got home from the hospital. Looking at Abby was just like looking at Ashley 20 years ago when I brought her home it's amazing, wonderful and special to have them in my life. I can't even put into words how I feel and how much love I have in my heart for them.

March 11, 2011

We are having a baby!!!

My daughter, Ashley is in the hospital about to give birth to her second child, a baby girl she has named Abbygail Lyla who will be joining her big brother AJ who is 2 1/2 years old. Ashley is at 5cms and has been given an epidural so there is no turning back now, her water has broken and the baby is on her way. Ashley is hoping to hold off until after midnight tonight because she wants Abbygail to be born on the 12th because Ashley's birthday is Feb. 12th., that's really cute actually. So by tomorrow we will will have a new addition to our family a beautiful little baby girl who I know is going to look just like her mommy did 20 years ago when I gave birth to her on Feb. 12th, 1992 at 11:03am. We will see how close Ashley comes to hitting that time frame for her little girl to be born. Everyone please keep my daughter, son-in-law and my grandson in your thoughts and prayers thoughout this night, forever and wish them only wonderful things to come and a lifetime of happiness, health, joy & love. I love you Ashley, Alan, AJ & Abbygail so much and can not wait to meet you Abby and see all of you very soon. Ashley & Alan you are wonderful parents to my little AJ and I know you are going to be great for Abby as well, I am so proud of you and your doing a great job. I miss you and will see you tomorrow with your new little pink bundle and my little baby boy to. LOVE YOUR MOM!!!

March 8, 2011

You are 266 days pregnant.

14 days to go!
  • At this point in development, the average baby weighs about 6 1/3 pounds (2,900 g) and measures almost 13 1/2 inches (340 mm).
  • Use relaxation exercises such as deep breathing to help ease the pain of the contractions.
  • Childbirth in Other Cultures: A number of tribes lubricate a laboring woman’s birth canal with saps or oils to make the delivery easier.
Your Baby
Your baby’s intestines are accumulating considerable meconium, a dark-green mass of used cells and waste product from the baby’s liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. The meconium in your baby’s intestines will be eliminated shortly after birth, but it sometimes can be eliminated before, if the birth is delayed too long. In the latter case, fecal material will be present at birth in the amniotic fluid.

By today, the baby’s toenails have reached the end of the toes. After the baby is born, you may need to trim its fingernails and toenails. As a point of interest, the fingernails and toenails actually begin to form on the palm of the hand and sole of the foot and then migrate to their final positions at the end of each digit.

In about another week, your baby’s foot will be slightly longer than the length of his thigh. Take a look at your own thigh to see how big that is relative to the size of your feet. Such odd proportions will change somewhat after birth.

As you might expect, the baby’s limbs are bent and drawn close to its body and her grasp is firm. Because of the space limitations in the uterus now, the movements of your baby are quite restricted.

Within the next three days, the circumference of your baby’s head will roughly match the circumference of its shoulders and its hips. After this time, the abdomen may be greater than the head.

At this point in development, the average baby weighs about 6 1/3 pounds (2,900 g) and measures almost 13½ inches (340 mm).

Your 2-year-old now

Rain or shine, hectic day or slow one, your busy tot wakes up with boundless energy to work off. Playtime should include physical games that help him burn off energy and practice his skills such as balancing, catching a ball, and controlling his speed. Some fun physical games:
  • Follow the leader. Have your child follow you, and also imitate the kinds of steps you take. Go fast, then slow. Take big giant steps, then bitty steps. Hop like a kangaroo, leap like a dolphin, and slither like a snake.
  • Catch. It's a classic that you can adjust to your child's proficiency level. Start by rolling a big ball back and forth on the floor between your open legs. Switch to a smaller ball. Gradually increase the distance between you. Then see if your child is ready to catch a big ball thrown underhand; start by standing just a few inches apart.
  • Danceteria. Play different genres of music and encourage your preschooler to make up a dance that matches it. (All her dances might look the same, but that's irrelevant.)

Your life now

It's easy for a bedtime routine to spiral out of control with an adorable, ritual-loving preschooler. Rule of thumb: If the routine is so complicated you have to write it down for a babysitter, it's probably a little overboard. Stick to the basics — a bath, pajamas, a book — and finish off with some special touch your child loves, such as saying goodnight to some of the things in the room (like in Goodnight Moon), singing a favorite lullaby, or reviewing what happened that day. The whole event (after the bath) should take 15 to 20 minutes.


"And now you have joy?"
"I do indeed."
"And how did you get it?"
"I chose it, admitted it into my life, then I celebrate its arrival in my heart. I made my celebration so loud and boisterous,
I prohibited all gloom from attending the celebration."

March 6, 2011

Ultimate Tonic Lotion with Frankincense & Patchouli

Patchouli and frankincense have been used as a tonic for the skin for thousands of years. This herbal synergy, designed to tone the skin and reduce the signs of aging, effectively restores healthy skin tissue. The lotion is beneficial to use for dry, sensitive skin, for preventing wrinkles, stretch marks and reducing the appearance of scars. The potential benefit of this blend is to help stimulate cell turnover and dissolve cellulite by restoring healthy skin, it aids in residual salt and toxin removal from the body. This lotions aromatherapy has positve physiological effects for relaxing the mind of negative thoughts and to calm turbulent emotions. The virtue from this lotion is clarity of thought and concentration. The Ultimate Tonic Lotion is great for men and women.

Strange Invisible Perfumes Fire and Cream was released in late 2009 and has notes of vetiver, sandalwood, Indonesian patchouli, oranges, orange blossom, tuberose, frankincense and lavender. The perfumer, Alexandra Balahoutisr, designed this for herself.  This is the edp, eau de parfum.

March 5, 2011

☻ ♥ Positive Daily QuoteS ♥☻

Look on the new day as another special gift, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to every morning with a smile.

☻ ♥ Positive Daily QuoteS ♥☻

Reflect in Love... and Feel Your Response and You will Find the Best Way to Convey what You are Trying to Express in the most Loving Way Possible for all Involved.


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