
Creating change by raising awareness of causes that ensure a better future.

November 30, 2011

Vietnam War Memorial Video~8th of November...

Vietnam War, 8th of November - Big & Rich


Thank you Matt5581, great job!

Uploaded by Matt5581 on Mar 20, 2007

"The great song, 8th of November by Big & Rich,
with a little slide show type thing I've made with it.
I hope you enjoy".

November 29, 2011

HOLISTIC REMEDIES FOR SKIN RASH! notes that liver disease and kidney failure can also cause itching.

Rashes and itchy skin, or pruritis, can result from a host of conditions. Skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema and allergic dermatitis can cause severe itching, as can insect bites and contact with the volatile oils in poison ivy. notes that liver disease and kidney failure can also cause itching. Many people turn to holistic remedies to soothe itching, but if you have unexplained itching and rashes, see your doctor for a diagnosis. Also check with your doctor before taking any herbs or supplements.

Holistic healers and naturopaths have long recommended the flowers of the German chamomile, botanically known as Matricaria recutita, to alleviate itching and inflammation. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that chamomile is often used topically in a poultice for inflamed skin, and may be moderately effective in treating eczema. According to a review published in the January 2009 issue of the "Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology," chamomile has antiallergenic, anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects; one of its constituents, the natural moisturizer levomenol, can promote healing and reduce itching. Before using chamomile, check with your doctor. Don't use it if you are pregnant, asthmatic, taking blood-thinning medications, or are allergic to asters, chrysanthemums or ragweed.

Calendula Oil
Calendula oil, made from the Calendula officinalis plant, is a traditional herbal remedy used by holistic healers for itching skin and rashes. Acupuncture Today recommends calendula, in conjunction with other oils, to treat insect bites, poison ivy, and weeping and crusting rashes and sores caused by eczema. There is some scientific research supporting the belief that calendula can soothe itchy skin. In a clinical study published in the April 15, 2004 issue of the "Journal of Clinical Oncology," researchers found that calendula oil was highly effective in preventing acute dermatitis caused by radiation therapy in breast cancer patients.

Homeopathic Sulphur
Holistic healers sometimes prescribe homeopathic remedies, particularly sulfur, for skin itching. In homeopathic medicine, practitioners attempt to treat symptoms by giving infinitesimal amounts of a substance that, in larger amounts, would cause the same symptoms in a healthy person. The homeopathic sulfur remedy is made from sulfur found in volcanic areas, which is then highly diluted; homeopaths believe that the resultant fluid contains a "memory," or essence, of the original substance. According to Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Health, the sulfur remedy is particularly indicated where there is a rash that is very red, inflamed and intensely itchy. Homeopaths prescribe their remedies according to personality type. The personality type most suited to the sulfur remedy is self-centered, intelligent but impractical and disorganized. If symptoms worsen at night and in the heat, but are better with fresh air and cold drinks, this is another indication that sulfur may be the right remedy. Ask your doctor before taking homeopathic sulfur to treat a rash.

For more information go to the link below:

November 27, 2011

Pet Pardons Per Facebook has asked for your help!

Extremely Urgent - Dies Tomorrow!

If you live in or around the Gaston, NC region you may have heard that a "Demon" Pit Bull that had been killing farm animals has been caught.

Yup, a Demon. See how his eyes glow? Just like a demon... The farmer told reporters that the dog killed a pony, six goats and injured cows and other livestock.

But here's the thing - nobody ever saw Dog #7454 kill any animals. The farmer saw a dog from a distance and assumed that this lone animal killed his livestock. And of course, that's a possibility but anybody who knows anything, knows that these animals were killed by a pack. The farmer stated that sometimes the animals were bitten all over, sometimes only on the neck area. This is pack behavior and in this area the mostly culprit is a pack of coyotes or a pack of feral dogs Odds are that #7454 only feasted on the left overs and therefore is blamed for the killing. Remember, nobody saw the animals being killed or what animal killed them. The farmer saw a brown dog running around the area and assumed. (Never assume. It makes an Ass out of U and Me).

I evaluated this dog on Wednesday, 11/23, and here are my findings:
He is not a starving stray dog. He is of good weight and excellent muscle tone. He's a well conditioned dog.

He's quite shy and lacks self confidence. He remained in a heel position on our walk in the park and would become nervous and unsure if I stopped or asked him to perform a behavior.

While I did not temp test for animal aggression (something that cannot be done at Gaston Animal Control) he made an effort to avoid other animals in animal control. While on our walk we saw Yorkies, cats and geese - all of which he turned his back to and tried to move in the opposite direction. This does not mean that he is not animal aggressive. It means that he is nervous and lacks confidence. My recommendation, if taken into rescue, is that he not be allowed loose with other animals until he can decompress and his true personality comes out. Then he can be tested for animal aggression. His fear and uncertainty about other animals could trigger a fight response if he feels threatened or cornered so please take caution.

He enjoys petting but rarely solicited affection.

Overall he's a good dog but confused to find himself in animal control. Given his physical appearance I do believe he has an owner. I also believe that this owner will not come forward because of the accusations against his or her dog.

Here is a video that I took on our walk:

Upon my recommendation, Gaston County Animal Control has made #7454 available for Rescue Only. If a rescue can take this dog they need to contact me at before 8am ET on Monday, 11/28.

Please cross post!

Jessica Rosman

November 25, 2011

Dogs of War: VIETNAM 1960-1975: First In.Last Out!

A Special Presentation From Hahn's 50th AP K-9, West Germany
There Is No Stronger Bond,
Than That Of A Handler
And His Dog.
Were the dogs of Vietnam effective? Our military experts and "armchair Generals"  will probably be debating that question for the next hundred years.  But any Vietnam combat veteran, that happened to be part of a patrol, that was saved from an VC ambush because of a scout dog's alert or prevented from walking into a mine field...will tell you, the answer is definitely yes!!! *Estimates vary, but some state that the dogs may have been responsible for the saving of at least 10,000 lives in Vietnam.

In the last two years, four War Dog Memorials were dedicated to the Dogs Of Vietnam:

March Field, Riverside, California
Dedicated February 2000. Sponsored by the VDHA.

Fort Benning, Georgia
Dedicated October 2000. Sponsored by the VDHA.

Port Neches, Texas
Dedicated November 2000. Sponsored by the Citizens of Port Neches.

Streamwood, Illinois
Dedicated May 2001. Sponsored by the Citizens of Streamwood.

...all four Memorials honor the Four Footed Heroes of Vietnam and several include the war dogs of America's other wars and conflicts as well. Today the members of the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association continue  to sponsor a drive to establish the first National War Dog Memorial, to honor all War Dogs, who Served the United States of America in Combat.

To learn more about the use of Military Working Dogs by the armed services during the Vietnam War, please visit our Link Page (access from the, US: Department Of Defense Page) for an large selection of different sites, by the guys who were there! To read about it, may we suggest Michael G. Lemish's book 'War Dogs,' published 1999 by Brassey's, Washington, DC. "The first important work on the subject in the last forty years!" War Dogs is a complete history of the MWD from its orgins to after Vietnam. Available at most Book Sellers, world wide. "A very good read!"

**For more information and the full presentation including the timeline of the "Dogs of War" go to:

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